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Originally published April 2 2009

Happy Oasis, Part I: Motivational Speaking, Design Your Day to Live in Solitude

by Kevin Gianni

(NaturalNews) This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at In this excerpt, Happy Oasis shares on topics from her motivational speaking from designing your day to living in solitude.

Renegade Roundtable with Happy Oasis. Happy is the Chief Visionary Officer of the Raw Spirit Festival, a motivational speaker and author of Uncivilized Ecstasies and Bliss Conscious Communication.

Kevin: Why don't you just tell a little bit about yourself for those people who may not know who you are and then we'll get into some of the questions.

Happy: Fabulous, splendid idea. Well, I'm very much an in the moment, in the now person. So I'll just talk about today. I've just come home from two months in Hawaii and California, mostly in Hawaii, on a spectacular, dizzying speaking tour. I was speaking every day virtually, about 25 days per month, in different locations, to extraordinary crowds of people. Now I'm home and it's so marvelous. There's no place like home. My bedroom is a cliff dwelling. I took a vow when I was a youth to sleep whenever I can el fresco, outside, because not only did I have tuberculosis and I thought it was good for my health, but when I was just a wee lass of 12 years old I was very into poetry and I came across Rumi. He wrote, "In this wide world, why sleep in a box?" I could never come up with a good answer as to why we are all sleeping in boxes in suburbia, in cities.

So I'd like to invite all of you, if you go to, you'll see my little bedroom and I'd like to invite you to a very humble, not too far in the wilderness, home retreat. We're surrounded by hundreds of acres. It was just so wonderful to sleep with the stars. It's rather cool. And to go running and hiking and rock climbing today. I'm just in love with life.

Kevin: Yes. Well, it sounds like it. I want to ask you a question because I've interviewed you on a few occasions. You've told amazing stories and talked a little bit about your own lifestyle, but what do you speak about when you go on these tours? I'd like to know.

Happy: Well, for example - that's a wonderful question - I was invited to speak at the New Year's Retreat the day the wolf carried Dancing Butterfly to Kolani on the Big Island. At that retreat I spoke about bliss-conscious communication. There are a few pages in my book that they had asked for me to relay. They're really about envisioning what we would love to create but they're in a very playful way. We look at our day and we break down our 24-hour time period into 20 activities. After three or four activities people are scratching their head like, "What else do I do?" When you break it down and it gets down to the point of like washing clothes, taking a shower... Then we put down how much time we spend each day doing these major activities and then they all add up to about 24 hours. Then is there anything we'd like to spend more or less time on? We basically become a designer, our own life coach, without any outside influence. We look at our life, how we spend our time, our precious resource time and we see if there's any way we can modify that. It's a wonderful way to start the new year. So that's what I did for the on New Year's.

Very shortly thereafter I was at Bruce Horowitz's retreat. It's a permaculture retreat. I spoke on an entirely different subject. I spoke on something that's very near and dear to my heart as well. It's called "Let's Get Wild!" It's wild edible foraging. I've taught wild edible plant foraging classes for probably almost 20 years in about an equal number of ecosystems in more than a dozen countries. So I love teaching people about intuitive wild edible foraging. We start with a very pragmatic way in that I tell people about the seven steps of how you can forage for plants with any ecosystem and keep your life at the same time. So it's for survival and it's also for adding to our culinary pleasure and it's also very economical. That way buying groceries can be either obsolete or an option.

Kevin: Okay.

Happy: I also teach people about different ways to fast and how to live a more natural life. As I've shared with you a little bit, sometimes I focus on animal stories, things that animals have directly shared with me because I've spent so much time in solitude, about 12 plus years out in a fire lookout tower, for 6 months of each of those years. Then another 12 years or so overseas, a lot of time in silence because I was just learning languages like a baby. A lot of these languages are not written.

So I teach people about health strategies that were related to me by living with ancient cultures who have now since deceased because of acculturation and genocide unfortunately. So I'm kind of like a living history book, in a very small way, with a few different cultures that are no longer with us.

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About the author

Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. To view his popular internet TV Show "The Renegade Health Show" (and get a free gift!) with commentary on natural health issues, vegan and raw food diets, holistic nutrition and more click here.

His book, "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health for the time and energy-strapped. To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation click here... or you're interested in the vegan and raw food diet and cutting edge holistic nutrition click here. For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight exercise archive visit

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