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Originally published September 27 2008

Angry Citizens Stop Aerial Spray Poisoning Program in a Turn of Victory

by Rami Nagel

(NaturalNews) On June 19th, 2008, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), funded by the USDA abruptly announced a change in their aerial spray plans. As unfathomable as it was, they were planning to spray several million people in the greater San Francisco area with a never before tested micro-capsulated pesticide in order to control the mating habits of a harmless moth. They have now abandoned this toxic program. Hurray!

Even with this victory, the CDFA still is continuing with its ground based programs, lacing chemicals on thousands of telephone poles and trees, along with ground based spraying and fogging with highly toxic chemicals. They also plan to release over 20 million sterile moth's into the air every day over a period of time once the new sterile moth technology is finished. While these crazy eradication schemes have not ended, the most significant scheme, to spray millions illegally with chemicals via airplanes, has fallen apart.

The footing of the CDFA eroded when they recently lost two lawsuits in California courts. The lawsuits challenged the rapid spraying against California's tough environmental laws. Rightly, the highly conservative courts sided with the law and with the county and private citizen's group that filed suit. As soon as the first lawsuit was lost, Governor Schwarzenegger who was supporting the poison spray program rapidly changed his position calling for a temporary moratorium while the chemicals could undergo some preliminary safety tests. With the safety tests completed, the results are now hidden away from the public.

The safety tests have meaning to those who were poisoned by the spray. Remember, hundreds of thousands of people were exposed to these chemicals last September, October and November when the state illegally sprayed their homes, schools and businesses. So far no reparations have been given to the tens of thousands who were made sick by the spray. Since I last wrote, it was discovered that 50% or more of the particles from the unbiodegraded aerial spray are smaller than 10 microns �- a size well known to cause significant damage to the human body ( .

Anatomy of a Victory

If you are fighting a cause, or are secretly hoping for certain changes in the world, I want to summarize how the people here stopped the government juggernaut.

1) Lots of outraged citizens took action.

People took action because their personal livelihood was threatened, so they had a motivation to call people and spread the word about what was going to happen.

2) A central organizational structure formed to fight the problem.

People upset about the aerial spray bonded together and created an organization with committees called CASS -- California Alliance To Stop The Spray ( . The organization had special committees, like a legal team, a health team, and a media relations team, all made up of volunteers passionate about the cause.

3) Lawsuits were filed.

Both the county of Santa Cruz and a local non-profit group HOPE ( filed lawsuits in state courts.

4) Politicians participated.

While many politicians didn't seem to care about the matter, after they got enough calls and complaints from the right people, they began to take action. This chiefly began at the city level with city councils voting and taking up the issue on their agenda. Even some federal representatives got in on the issue writing letters and meeting with federal employees. Once the politicians realized that the public was against it, they followed what the public wanted.

5) Scientists and researchers were asked to help, and some did.

While I talked with some experts who didn't want to reveal information to the public, concerned scientists such as University of California at Davis bug expert James Carey were invited to examine the problem carefully. Their outspoken and truthful opinions on the subject matter helped fight against the disinformation campaigns by the state and local government. Their opinions were made public on news reports in the television and newspapers. This gave credibility to those fighting against the spray. Professor Carey and two other senior professors at U.C. Davis followed up with a letter opposing the spray efforts to a variety of key figures. Two researchers flew to New Zealand to investigate the moth problem first hand, and wrote reports about it. Meanwhile other researchers participated in a variety of different reports, all geared to create truthful knowledge about the problem.

6) The people were informed.

Evil things can only happen when we turn a blind eye to them. With literally millions of people across the globe aware of the aerial spray, their attention and awareness made it such that the evil behavior could not hide. Many people took action to spread the news about the aerial spray by e-mailing articles to other people. Those who read the article with awareness and compassion or who felt angry about what was happening, participated in altering the global consciousness a little bit. Darkness hates the light of awareness.


If we work together in a motivated and consistent way to stop the wrong things we see in this world, we can win. War, pollution, the destruction of nature, vaccines, poisonous pharmaceutical drugs, dangerous food additives, fluoride and so forth, can be stopped. It only takes enough of us who are motivated to take action! Why continue to complain about our inept and corrupted government who fails to hear us because they lack the ears to hear with? If just a few hundred or thousand citizens put their hearts and minds together in a mutually beneficial way, we can stop horrible things in the world from continuing. It only takes our will and intention to do this.

There is hope for the truth. Please continue your action in fighting for the good.

About the author

Ramiel Nagel is the internationally published author of Cure Tooth Decay and Healing Our Children In "Cure Tooth Decay" Nagel, reveals how your teeth can heal naturally because they were never designed to decay in the first place! Now there is a natural way to take control of your dental health by changing the food that you eat. Receive 19 free lessons on how to stop cavities
"Healing Our Children" explains the true causes of disease conditions of pregnancy and childhood so that you can avoid and prevent them. It provides essential natural health programs so that mothers and their new babies can optimize their health during the times of preconception, pregnancy, lactation and early childhood. Receive a free chapter of Healing Our Children
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