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Originally published August 12 2008

NaturalNews Publishes Audio Interviews with Dr. Brian O'Leary, Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Byron Richards

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Pioneering physicist and former astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary is interviewed by the Health Ranger in a podcast available now from In the interview, Dr. O'Leary discusses the future of human civilization and how he transcended the world of conventional physics to embrace a more holistic view of the universe. The exclusive interview is available now as a downloadable MP3 file from:

Dr. Brian O'Leary also talks about sustainable life on planet Earth as well as intelligent life beyond our planet. As a former NASA astronaut and international speaker, he was openly talking about extraterrestrial intelligence years before astronaut Edgar Mitchell's recent announcement, in which he revealed NASA has known about intelligent life beyond Earth for decades.

Dr. Brian O'Leary is also the author of Reinheriting the Earth - Awakening to Sustainable Solutions and Greater Truths. His website is

Byron Richards talks about junk vitamins vs. quality vitamins

NaturalNews has also posted an interview with Byron Richards, founder of Wellness Resources (, about junk vitamins vs. quality vitamins. In this interview, Richards reveals the exact ingredients to look for on a multivitamin bottle that reveals the quality of the product.

Byron Richards is a health freedom champion and founder of Wellness Resources, which sells extremely high-end nutritional supplements to consumers who demand nutritional products that really work. His interview with the Health Ranger is available at:

Dr. Stephen Sinatra reveals solutions for heart health

In a third interview posted on NaturalNews, the Health Ranger talks with Dr. Stephen Sinatra, author of The Sinatra Solution and his most recent book, Reverse Heart Disease Now.

In this exclusive interview, Dr. Sinatra reveals the three key nutrients for lifelong heart health and explains how he's helped thousands of people overcome life-threatening heart conditions with the help of these powerful nutrients. His website is

The audio interview is available for download now at:

Non-copy-protected MP3 files

All audio files from are made available as non-copy-protected MP3 files. They are fully compatible with iPods*, iRiver devices and other MP3 players. They may also be played on any PC or Mac*.

* The terms "iPod" and "Mac" are the intellectual property of a really arrogant fruit company with far too many IP lawyers and zero regard for the rights of its own customers.

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