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Originally published July 2 2008

Author Bob Doyle Shares on the Laws of Attraction

by Kevin Gianni

(NaturalNews) This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Bob Doyle shares the story of his path to the Law of Attraction and finding your purpose.

The Fountain of Youth World Summit with Bob Doyle, creator and facilitator of Wealth Beyond Reason.

Kevin: Right and my next question is how do we begin to resonate? And this call, you know, a lot of people are interested in health, but I think, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, that sometimes health is not the first issue that they should be focusing on and so how does someone change their resonance? I mean, that sounds like a pretty significant type of practice.

Bob: Well, we have been given this incredible gift of emotion and imagination and all of this and these are, our emotions are our guidance system. They basically tell us sort of what we're vibrating, if you will. What and you're going to have to forgive that, I mean that for people who are new to this conversation, when I say things like what we're vibrating and frequency and all sounds sort of weird. You just have to understand that we're, I'm trying to speak as scientifically as possible without getting mind boggling, but we are always putting out some sort of frequency and our emotions are what really, if you can think of us as sort of a radio receiver or AM transmitter at the same time and the frequencies that we're putting out, the various radio stations, okay? It's our emotion, it's our state of feelings that change the station and then bring in the signals that we want to listen to or experience if you will.

So that's why, if you watch The Secret or whatever, people put a lot of emphasis on trying to feel good as much as possible because when you feel good you're in resonance with some things that will come, that will attract into your life to maintain or even expand that feeling of well being and conversely if you let yourself live in a negative space, a negative feeling space, you tend to attract things that you know amplify that feeling or perpetuate that feeling.

No one's saying that you have to just be happy all the time, because we are human beings and this range of emotions is here for a reason. For us to have the human experience we're going to have our ups and our downs.

It's really about figuring out our predominant vibration. What do we want to feel like most of the time and how do we know, how do we maintain the vibration or the feeling that we want to have in our lives, the majority of our life being.

Kevin: And how do we feel good if we're stressed and we're working 10, 15 hours a day and you know feeling, not eating the right things. I mean how does that play into feeling good? What can someone do to start feeling great?

Bob: Well, there's little, simple things you can do. But first I think it's important that we understand how we got off track in the first place, because you know, it's one thing, because people tend to want a quick fix, and they want to learn the law of attraction and instantly change everything overnight and things can happen at a seemingly miraculous rate. There's no question about it. When you start being intentional with working with the law of attraction, in concert with the law of attraction, which is always on anyway whether or not you're purposely working with it quote, unquote.

Kevin: Sure, okay.

Bob: As a society, as human beings we've sort of gotten off track. We've been told that this is how you have to be, you know, this is a responsible job, for example. So if, you know, if we were guided off the path of our passions early in life for whatever reason, a well meaning teacher or parent said something, well, then, what you really are wanting to do to make money is your passion but instead you were told, "its not responsible to go down this way", that's how we end up with jobs that are stressing us out, because we weren't allowed to follow our passions early in life and so we have, from the beginning, kind of gone off our own path and the further we go off that path, the more stressful it gets and the more unhappy we get. And then of course we try to compensate for our unhappiness by eating poorly or doing things that aren't, you know, healthy for the quick emotional adjustment.

Kevin: Right.

Bob: So, the key is what we want to do as a species is guide ourselves back onto that path of our passions because it is when we do that that the universe really does deliver to us through the law of attraction everything we need to sustain that path and to make us abundant effortlessly, you know, and prosperous effortlessly because we are following our purpose and our passion. We're doing the things we're here to do.

The reason we have these desires, these interests, these hobbies, these you know all these things, it's because we're supposed to be doing them and to deny those things is what causes so much stress and disease and all of those things because we know that something's not right and yet we continue down those paths for years and years and that's certainly part of my story you know that I was one of those people that just felt like I had to work at a job that I didn't like because that's what you do.

You just do whatever you have to do to pay the bills and so the problem is the challenges we face now as adults, we say, "Well, okay, fine, but now I'm 35 years old. I got to start all over?" and the quick answer is, "Well, you know you got to start period." I mean, if you're ever going to get to the point where you're living your life with passions you have to restart. It may not happen overnight because you know if things had gone as they were meant to when you were a young child and always cultivated your purpose and your passions and all those interests, by the time you were ready to go out into the world and make a living you'd be excellent at it.

Kevin: Yes.

Bob: You would be able to really put out a tremendous amount of value and be compensated monetarily or whatever. So you can either whine about it and say, "Well, it's too late for me" and then not ever start to going down that path. Or you can say, "Okay, I'm going to start" and it may mean that you do those things on a part time basis and find whatever joy you can in your current situation.

So to go back to your original question, one of the quickest things you can do to change your emotional state is to find all the things in your life that you are grateful for, big and small, and actually write them down and do it daily, because it's amazing how when we are focused on your misery or our stress or our upset we really just fail to see all the things that we do have. You know, just even the ability to breathe in and out and have fresh water and all of these things.

The longer you can keep yourself in a state of gratitude for whatever, then you will attract more things to be grateful for and for many that will be, well, more opportunity to make more money or more opportunity to meet the right person in life or to change your career or to do whatever. Your emotional state will change to where maybe "I don't need to drink all this beer" or maybe "I don't need to eat all this food to feel good because I've got all these other wonderful things to feel good about".

Kevin: Okay, so it doesn't involve, kind of what I'm getting here, is it doesn't involve willpower anymore?

Bob: Willpower is a dead end road, because I mean it's just a sense of resistance. Now there's a difference between intentions, being intentional about something, and being committed to something and then turning on this willpower, which is really trying to force yourself to do something that you don't want to do and that puts you in completely the wrong emotional state.

Your vibration is, "I don't want to do this. I don't like doing this, you know, but I'm making myself do it and you're just going to attract more of the misery, and this is why resolutions don't work and if you go into an exercise program and try and force your way through it, basically, eventually, you will stop. You know, and probably rebound the other way because if you're really just trying to force yourself to do something with willpower, now, again, I mean some people may define willpower in a way that doesn't have that negative connotation or whatever, but I think for most people when you think of willpower it's more of a "I'm trying to force myself to do something."

Kevin: Right.

To read the rest of this transcript as well as access more information by health experts on abundance, optimum health, and longevity just like Bob Doyle, please visit ( .

About the author

Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. To view his popular internet TV Show "The Renegade Health Show" (and get a free gift!) with commentary on natural health issues, vegan and raw food diets, holistic nutrition and more click here.

His book, "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health for the time and energy-strapped. To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation click here... or you're interested in the vegan and raw food diet and cutting edge holistic nutrition click here. For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight exercise archive visit

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