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Originally published June 6 2008

Review: The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity Reveals Life Enhancement Secrets of 12 Top Experts

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) For the last several months, I've been collaborating with renowned author, entrepreneur and content creator Craig Pepin-Donat on a unique, high-density content program that's just been announced this week. It's called The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity, and it features twelve audio CDs of edited interviews with featured health and fitness experts, twelve more bonus reports, videos and content items, an ebook and a hardcover copy of The Big Fat Health and Fitness Lie. Together, it's an extremely content-rich collection of some of the best information that's yet been offered to the public on health, fitness and life enhancement. In this article, I review this content course and share why I think this is the top collection of immediately useful health information available today, featuring an impressive lineup of health gurus and experienced teachers.

Of course, I'm biased in this review. That's because Craig Pepin-Donat invited me to participate as one of the 12 health experts in the program, and I really gave it my focused effort to produce the most information-rich content I could put together for you. I believe that the content I contributed is some of my best work yet, so that does tend to influence my opinion on how wonderful I think the overall course is.

But please understand, there are eleven other health experts involved in this project, and each offers a wellspring of beneficial health remedies, solutions, tips and strategies for helping you achieve a quantum leap in your health and happiness. Those other eleven experts include:

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live. I just completed my own interview with Dr. Fuhrman yesterday, and I'm deeply impressed with the depth of his knowledge about using plant-based nutrition to cure so-called "incurable" diseases. Dr. Fuhrman is at the top of my list of people to pay attention to this year, and his participation in The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity is, all by itself, worth every penny of investment in your own health that's needed to get your copy of this course.

You can get the course, by the way, through this NaturalNews link: The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity.
(See more details below...)

Debra Lynn Dadd, author of Home Safe Home and an expert on the toxicity of everyday products in the home, kitchen, bathroom, garden and garage. I also know Debra as a friend and colleague, and I can tell you that Debra's information is absolutely vital for anyone wishing to avoid cancer (and respiratory diseases) and live in a healthy, non-toxic environment. Don't even think of using another home cleaning product or personal care product until you learn what Debra has to say about chemicals in your home.

Dr. Hyla Cass, author of Supplement Your Prescription, is one of the best-informed doctors on nutrition and phytochemicals that I've ever met. I met Dr. Cass at a recent trade show, and when we chatted, I was immediately impressed with the depth of her knowledge. I then picked up her book and read it cover to cover, absorbing one valuable fact after another. I've since become a great fan of Dr. Cass and hope to interview her on the Health Ranger Show in the very near future.

Connie Bennett is the dynamic, highly energetic author of Sugar Shock!, a hugely important book about the destructive effects of sugar on a person's health, moods and mental state. Connie is a real dynamo. She's packed with so much energy that you might think she's on a sugar high, but the truth is she overcame her sugar addiction years ago, and now she's made herself a world-renowned health educator by teaching others how to overcome food cravings, addictions and mood swings by simply changing what they eat. Her contribution to this course is a condensed version of what she teaches in her book, Sugar Shock.

Kevin Gianni is an incredibly positive and well-informed raw foods and fitness expert. He's helped train thousands of people to achieve seemingly impossible fitness goals, and he combines it with a depth of knowledge of plant-based nutrition that's almost unheard of in the fitness industry, even among gym junkies and fitness "gurus." I've known Kevin for nearly two years, and I come to know him as an infectiously positive, upbeat and highly motivating teacher on both nutrition and fitness. His contribution to this People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity is a phenomenal interview that you'll want to listen to several times.

Other experts included in the course are:

• Kim Lyons, superstar personal trainer for NBC's "The Biggest Loser" show
• Dr. Adam Shafran ("Dr. Fitness") - Expert on weight loss
• Shane Ellison ("The People's Chemist") - Expert on reversing diabetes
• Chris Crowley, author of Younger Next Year
• Laura Lewis, a "Life Change Expert"
• Dr. Henry Lodge, co-author of Younger Next Year for Women: A Guide to Living Like Your 50 Until You�re 80 and Beyond

... in all, it's a combination of 12 of the healthiest and best-informed people on the planet for achieving remarkable new levels in personal health and fitness. Click here to get the course now. (As an introductory special, Craig is offering this at $100 off the regular price, for a limited time. Hopefully that discount is still in place. Check his website to see.)

I wish I had this five years ago...

Five years ago, when I started, there was nothing like this available. I had to dig through hundreds of health books to find the most important answers about health and fitness, and that took literally thousands of hours. I'm not saying that this twelve-hour audio seminar is a complete replacement for reading 500 health books, but I have discovered that the most important concepts are all presented in these twelve interviews. If you listen, learn and apply the concepts you'll learn in these twelve focused hours, you will have achieved 95% of all the principles outlined in those 500 books I painstakingly read. That's because sometimes truly powerful information can be presented in a succinct, information-rich format (and a lot of what's said in the top health books overlaps information from other health books).

Beyond this information-rich format (which saves you all kinds of time in learning the important principles presented by the twelve participants), there's also the fact that many of the most groundbreaking ideas in health and fitness are relatively recent. In other words, a lot of what health and fitness experts were teaching just three years ago (in 2005, can you believe that?) is already outmoded... or at the very least it has been fine-tuned, modified and adapted in a way that makes it work better, faster and more effectively.

That's the beauty of this collection of twelve cutting-edge interview with these experts: This is information from right now! In fact, I just talked to Craig yesterday, and these CD sets were hot off the duplication machine. Most of the interviews were wrapped up only a few weeks ago. That's why when you listen to this course, I believe you'll find it to be the most up-to-date information available anywhere, short of calling up each of these twelve people directly and asking them for their latest health tips. This course represents the leading edge of the best discoveries by some of the most well-informed and active knowledge seekers in the industry!

(It's a funny thing, too, because sometimes I look at an article I wrote three years ago, and I think, gee, did I really write that? Wow, my knowledge has sure evolved since then! I can't believe I used to recommend soy milk... ack!)

Why investing in your health is the best money you'll ever spend

The People's Guide to Healthy, Happiness and Longevity isn't free. It requires a small level of commitment to acquire. How much? About 1/1000th the cost of getting cancer, to put it bluntly. It's a fraction of the cost of spending one day in the hospital, and yet the information you'll learn in this course can, I believe, help keep you OUT of the hospital for your entire life.

I've always believed that investing in your health is the best investment a person can ever make. That's why I personally spend so much money on nutritional supplements, superfoods, high-quality kitchen equipment and extreme exercise equipment (I have a high-end Pilates Reformer in my living room, and I have a full-size treadmill, a vibration board, an inversion machine, a set of Russian kettlebells, and much more... all sitting in my house where a typical family might put a couch and television set). Since food and exercise are the foundation of quality of life, I put the bulk of my earnings into exactly those things: Nutrition and exercise!

But before you start making those investments in the best nutrition and exercise products that will have the greatest positive impact on your health, it's important to know what works. In other words, where is the best place to spend your hard-earned cash? What's the best direction to take in achieving that next level of physical fitness, disease reversal or peak human performance in your own life?

That's where The People's Guide to Healthy, Happiness and Longevity becomes truly essential. Listening to it is like being given a secret treasure map. It's a set of instructions, guidelines, strategies and tips for getting the greatest results with the least amount of investment in terms of time, money and effort. It's like being handed the user manual for a new, healthier YOU! And that's why I think it's so valuable.

The price in dollars is nearly negligible compared to the amount of time and effort it saves a person who genuinely wants to achieve a healthier future, starting right now. I think Craig has also found a way to let you buy it in three installments, so it doesn't cost much at all to get started. You can check out that three-payment plan by clicking the following link:

Click here to see the price on this course. It's cheaper overall, however, to just buy it up front.

How to open doors to curing "incurable" disease

I truly wish I could have owned this course years ago, when I was trying to save my own family members from the cancer that eventually killed them. But I didn't know this knowledge then, and I was helpless to teach the people around me how to cure so-called "incurable" diseases.

But today, I know that virtually every major disease that plagues society today is curable: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis and many more. I also know that you can achieve a level of human performance that most people can only dream about -- both in terms of physical fitness and mental performance. Over the last five years, I've learned a wealth of invaluable knowledge about what it really takes to be in the top 1% of the top 1% of the healthiest people in the world, and in reality it all boils down to a few simple principles.

It is those principles that are explored and described in this course, through the perspective of twelve different experts, each of whom has a slightly different approach to telling the truth about health that can set you free -- and set you on a new course for the rest of your life.

But don't think that The People's Guide to Healthy, Happiness and Longevity is for everyone. It's not. If you're already on a 100% fresh food diet, mostly raw living foods, and you have a strong, flexible and physically attractive physique, and you have seemingly superhuman cardiovascular endurance, great sleep, great moods and great sex, then you probably don't need this course. Sure, you may find lots of reinforcement for the health and fitness strategies that are already working for you, and you may learn a few new things, but this course won't be revolutionary to you if you've already achieved the top 1% of the top 1% of health and fitness among the population of the western world.

But if you're like most people -- and you've taken steps to improve your health but you'd like to learn how to multiply your successes and accelerate the achievement of your desired results -- then this course can be a Godsend for you. It can open you up to a universe of new possibilities and trigger your mind to embark on new pathways that end up being remarkable shortcuts, leading you directly to the results you've always wanted to achieve but somehow felt unable to grasp in the past. Well now, with the expert knowledge and experience of these twelve highly entertaining and informative experts, you'll have the missing pieces of that puzzle firmly in hand, and you'll be able to leap to the next level of personal health and life enhancement, all by just listening, learning and applying the discoveries waiting for you in this course.

This does require, of course, that you actually listen to the entire course. Not just once, but a couple of times. I like to burn these audio CDs to MP3 files, then I load them onto my iRiver MP3 player and listen to them while I'm jumping rope at the gym. It's my way of exercising my mind and opening myself to new ideas while I'm enhancing my fitness, all at the same time. You may find that these are great to listen to while walking, cooking or even while driving to work.

The top reasons for achieving a new, improved YOU!

Where you listen to these is not as important as why you listen to them, however. It's the WHY that really matters, and it's a good time to ask yourself that question right now: Why do I want to experience a quantum leap improvement in my own health and fitness?

Is it because you want to look more attractive, youthful and fit?

Is it because you want to overcome chronic pain, chronic disease and heal your body?

Is it because you want to experience something more meaningful in your life by unleashing your greatest creativity and inspiration through the power of healthful living?

Is it because you want to live longer and have more time to enjoy all the gifts of life around you? (Your children, family, interests and life goals, perhaps?)

Is it because you're tired of being sick, depressed, fatigued and medicated? Are you ready for something new and different that actually works?

Is it because you're ready to make a significant, positive change in your life, and you've decided to begin right now?

Whatever your reason, it's the enthusiasm and motivation behind that reason that matters most. Because this course won't change your life for you. It will only give you the treasure map to finding your own path that leads you to the greatest treasure in the universe: Your own vibrant, healthy self! But it still requires that you provide the effort, the motivation and the action. This isn't some magic pill that does the work for you. It only invites you to take part in your own magnificent health transformation journey.

And to think, you're only twelve hours of audio away from discovering what it took me years to find and figure out! Again, I wish I had this course five years ago. I would have gladly paid a hefty amount for it back then. Today, it's available to you for less than the cost of handful of Blu-Ray movie DVDs. Click here to get your copy of this course right now.

You'll be glad to know that NaturalNews does earn a portion of the proceeds on this course. Thank goodness, too, because readers are always e-mailing me and asking how we can possibly stay in business, given all the great information, articles, podcasts and audio programs that we regularly give away for free. And the answer is that occasional programs like this one keep us financially alive. They pay the bills that keep us operating, so that we can continue to bring you the daily news, commentary and resources that you've come to enjoy so much.

That's why getting The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity is not just a way to help yourself get the most out of life, it's also a way to help support NaturalNews and its efforts to keep bringing you the truth about disease cures, dangerous pharmaceuticals, corporate corruption, natural remedies, health freedom and much more. While we never earn revenues on any nutritional or superfood products we recommend, we openly request that information publishers share some of their revenue with us when we spread the good news about their important information courses. It's part of what keeps NaturalNews operating, and even then, we often run on a paper-thin budget (that's what happens when you don't sell your soul to Big Pharma like the mainstream media has done...)

Why all successful people constantly invest in learning

So thank you for your support if you decide to get this course, but most importantly thank yourself for investing in your own health. This is an information-rich course that's truly life-changing, and it will be something you look back on years from now and say, wow, I'm glad I got that course. It really changed my life. I can't imagine NOT having picked up that course, come to think of it!

And I have a secret to share with you here: Did you know that ALL the great educators, speakers, authors and gurus in the industry are constantly spending their own money on other people's courses? It's true! Many of the experts you'll hear from in this course (such as Kevin Gianni, Connie Bennett and myself) regularly spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars of our own money on other people's courses on self-improvement, health enhancement, personal achievement and more. It's the common secret of the gurus in the self-improvement industry: Every one of us is a student at the same time that we are teachers. There is no person who has achieved anything of significance who didn't learn from a dozen or more outside masters. People who succeed the most in life and the ones who learn the most, and they all share an understanding of one key principle: Investing in your education is the best investment you'll ever make.

Whether you want to be a great leader, an exceptional entrepreneur, the world's best mom or just a super healthy human being who sets an example for the rest of the world to follow, a necessary step to getting there is learning from others who have achieved notable success in their own fields. It's the way of the master, the universal path of success for all those who have achieved remarkable results in their own fields of expertise.

So whether you get this particular course or not, I strongly encourage you to turn your life into a fun learning experience. Make every day a day of learning, and keep seeking out the best information from the most credible, well-informed experts you can find.

I personally wish you the best of success in your own life (and health!), and I hope to meet you down the road as we bump into each other along life's learning journey. It's a great universe out there, and even if we learn something new every single day, we can still only scratch the surface of what knowledge awaits us in this vast universe of information and life experience. We may never know everything there is to know, but we can sure have a great time as we make that lifelong journey towards learning more -- and transforming more -- each and every day.

The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity.

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