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Originally published November 16 2007

NaturalNews Emerging as Key Gateway Between Health Product Companies and Natural Health Consumers

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor is earning a rare reputation in the natural products industry for connecting natural health consumers to high-quality, high-integrity health product companies in an honest, independent and "no strings attached" way. Over the last four years, we've selectively publicized over a hundred natural health products, and we've done so with absolutely no financial involvement in those products. Our most recent publicity of the FruitFast company (see ) and its generous offer to ship a 30-day supply of CherryFlex supplements to every NaturalNews reader resulted in many thousands of requests for the product.

Due to NaturalNews's rising recognition across the natural health product industry, we are receiving an increasing number of requests to publicize various product offers for other companies. If you work with a health food or nutritional supplement company, this article will tell you exactly how to earn a top recommendation by NaturalNews and The Health Ranger. (Hint: It's all about quality and integrity... see below...)

I've also posted a downloadable audio recording exclusively for health product companies that explains exactly how to get your product featured on Click the following URL to download the file right now:

If you're a customer of a great product company that you think deserves to be mentioned here, forward this article to them and tell them how this works.

How to get your health product promoted on NaturalNews by The Health Ranger

Getting headlined on is extremely valuable, I've been told. Company CEOs have called me up, reporting as much as $20,000 in orders for their products within the first 48 hours after appearing on There's a reason for that: The Health Ranger's recommendation cannot be bought with cash. It can only be earned through integrity, which means if you want to get recommended on NaturalNews, all you have to do is make an incredible offer to our readers on an exceptional product.

Here are the guidelines spelled out:

1) Make an irresistable offer that benefits NaturalNews readers. It could be giving away a fantastic health product (and charging for shipping & handling only), or offering an extreme discount for the purpose of attracting a new customer base. Your offer must be exceptional and valuable to NaturalNews readers.

2) Put away your wallet. We can't be bought into recommending a product. We ask nothing in return when we do recommend a product, and we make nothing on the sales of your products! We are here to serve the readers, period.

3) Be prepared to offer exceptional fulfillment and service. When NaturalNews announces your company or product, you will experience a surge in orders or requests. We only ask that you be prepared to offer our valuable readers the best service possible: Be ready to ship! Be ready to answer the phones, if necessary, and please do your best quality control on the product itself. (If too many readers complain to us about a company we recommend, we will pull our recommendation for that company.)

4) Here's a secret that really works: Get your product in front of my eyeballs! Products that I can see and experience earn a lot more attention than those I only read about. Companies like and were smart: They sent samples to my office, along with a cover letter and impressive literature. That allowed me to see, touch and experience the products myself! You can send products for consideration to: Truth Publishing, 1820 E. River Rd, #106, Tucson, AZ 85750. Tel: 520-232-9300

5) Have patience. I'm still sitting on lots of great products that I haven't recommended yet. For example, there's a fantastic infant formula product based on goat's milk that's still sitting on my desk, and I'm going to do a feature on it soon. It's called Genesis Organics ( and it's a great product. I just haven't been able to pull together a big feature article on it yet. (It would be great if this company could afford to do a big product sample giveaway of some sort.)

6) Don't bother sending junk products our way. I simply will not promote products made with isolated soy protein, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, refined grains or other garbage ingredients. That's why most of the big "health product" companies don't bother sending me samples: Because most of their products are crap! (PowerBar comes to mind... in my own personal opinion, of course...) But products like Larabar are far superior, and I will only promote products of extremely high quality.

Just remember: No junk. Oh yeah, and one more thing: Don't send me multivitamins made with cyanocobalamin. I know I've recommended products in the past made with that synthetic form of vitamin B-12, but I've learned more since then and I no longer recommend any supplements made with cyanocobalamin. (Get products like Ola Loa instead, at )

Who I'm about to recommend

By the way, I'm about to make big recommendations for some companies I'm seriously impressed with. These companies are:

Dragon Herbs (
Incredibly high-quality Chinese Medicine herbs. Check out their eucommia bark tincture.

Mushroom Science (
Wow. Outstanding, high-potency medicinal mushrooms. I love their Reishi and Cordyceps products.

Better Than Roasted (
The best nuts you've ever tasted. Check out their "Oasis Trail Mix." It will absolutely blow your mind. It's like you died and went to Heaven and they were serving raw foods trail mixes in heaven...

Transition Nutrition (
Unbelievably great-tasting "Bliss Mix" product is now available. It contains the creamiest, most delicious cashews ever! Plus it has goji, cacao nibs, mulberries... oh yumm! Can you say, "RAWSOME?"

Plus, I've got great things to say about some other companies, too, that you'll be hearing about soon.

Doing my part to bring you the best offers in the natural products industry

It's all about bringing YOU, our valuable readers, the very best health solutions I can find. I scour the industry, hitting the trade shows, making phone calls, interviewing company presidents and seeking out the primo products available right now. And when I can, I'm jockeying for great deals. In fact, if you could sit in my office and hear me talk to these company CEOs, it's often something like this:

Company CEO: "We've got this incredible new raw trail mix product that's fantastic!"

Mike: "Can you do something really courageous here and, say, give a free bag of it away to all the NaturalNews readers?"

Company CEO: "I don't know, that would cost us a fortune, and we're still a small company..."

Mike: "I know, but consider the value of introducing yourself to half a million new readers. What's that really worth? You'd have to spend zero on advertising. I'll do this for you..."

Company CEO: "Yeah, but don't you charge for doing something like that? Everybody else always asks us for money to publish a story about us."

Mike: "No way, NaturalNews is different. We ask nothing in return. You don't have to pay me a dime. You can send me a product sample, if you want, but that's it. But you gotta offer a sweet deal to our readers if you want headline publicity. That's how it works: You give something to our readers, and we give you publicity back in return. Everybody wins!"

Company CEO: "Okay, here's what we'll do..."

... and then the company CEO puts together a great offer that we can pass on to YOU, our valuable readers.

Now, I know that some people are skeptical about this, and you should be, because I've always encouraged people to be ultra skeptical when it comes to health products. You might ask yourself, "Why would Mike do all this for free?"

If you're asking that question, please realize: I DO get something in return. I get more happy readers! That's my goal: To make NaturalNews so incredibly valuable to the natural health community that everybody wants to read it every day, just to see what great new products are being offered, or what fascinating news is being published that day. I win when I keep this site valuable to you. That's my passion and my goal. I aim to reach one million readers in one month, and I know that the only way I'm going to do that is to work my butt off finding the most valuable information I can find and bringing it to you in an educational, entertaining way.

How do I pay my bills? I sell my books over at and that pays me all that I need (thank you everyone who has bought one, you keep NaturalNews in business!).

Let's get this party started!

So, to sum up, if you're a health product company and you want to put your product in front of over half a million of the most intelligent, well-educated natural health readers in the world, I ask that you create an incredible offer and send it to our office for me to review. If I like your product, your company, and your offer, I'll call you and we'll put this into high gear to get your company the attention it deserves.

And if you're a reader, hold on to your hat, because I'm putting the pedal to the metal to seek out the very best offers and deals I can find for you from top-notch health product companies from around the world. I will continue to work to bring you incredible health-enhancing products from high-integrity companies. Stay subscribed and keep reading It's one of the very best investments of time you'll experience all year!

Note: We're looking for companies to promote outside the U.S., too! We have lots of readers in Canada, Australia and the U.K., so if you're a health product company in these countries, let's talk! We can get your message out to a global audience.

Also: Check out and notice the "#1 Recommended by the Health Ranger" logo on the top left. If I love your product and your company, I'll give you permission to use that logo on your website or your product absolutely free! Companies like Jay Robb Enterprises and Transition Nutrition are already putting a similar Health Ranger logo on their products! It's one more way to gain third-party recognition for your product, and it doesn't cost you a dime. But you do have to get my permission to use it, and that means introducing me to your products.

What about services? Yes, we will also promote useful natural health services such as inkjet cartridge recycling services, or "plant a tree" foundations or other Earth-friendly services. Get in touch with us and let us know what you've got, and then make an incredible offer that I can pass along to NaturalNews readers, okay? That's all I ask: Make it worth my time and effort to introduce your company's products or services to my readers, and we'll all benefit while making the world a healthier, greener place to live!

Make sure you listen to this audio for health product companies:

Hope to hear from you soon!

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