Start by choosing to examine your own personality; do you find it difficult to get along with other�people? Do you tend to argue too much? Have you had trouble making and keeping friends?
Well you can now make a choice. Do you want to stay that way, or are you strong enough and determined enough to make changes? You choose! You could develop the finest of personalities; you could be looked up to and admired.� Do you want to go through life without exercising your right to make the choices that would bring about these changes? Suppose you don't choose to make changes. Is your life the way you want it to be? If it is, then don't read any further, this article is not for you.� I hope you are getting the very best that you can out of life and everything your life touches.
One good decision changes everything. Your power to choose, to make a good decision, spells the difference between just wishing and making those wishes come true. Someone once said, "When it comes to believing in myself, I'm an agnostic." One of the greatest problems many people experience is lack of confidence in themselves. Some don't believe in their ability to speak in public, or to accomplish something they've never done before, and still others do not have the confidence to overcome their shyness.
Do you know that you can learn to become more confident? One effective technique is to learn to do what you're afraid to do. At a seminar I attended�a few years ago, the tutor asked for three volunteers to speak to the group the next day. One young woman was the first to raise her hand. She explained to me later why she did so: "When he asked for three volunteers," she said, "I felt a knot of fear in my stomach. I've never done anything like this before and I've never really believed I could. But the fear was telling me something," she continued. "So...BECAUSE I felt so anxious, I decided that this was something I had to do. But I must tell you, I'm terrified!" Nevertheless, she made up her mind to�do that which she was afraid to do. And the following day, her five-minute talk was superb! Now she is more confident about her ability to speak in public.
When you make what you're afraid to do what you�choose to do, you will soon have the confidence�to�do whatever you choose!
Do you need to exercise your greatest power? Your power to choose can never be taken from you. It can be neglected. It can be ignored. But if used, it can make all the difference. Use your greatest power and, whether or not you change history, you will certainly change your future.