printable article

Originally published June 22 2007

Medicinal protein report now available online at

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

In this exclusive NaturalNews interview, Mike Adams interviews Tom Staverosky, president of ForeverWell ( about a unique fermented protein product that shows benefits for migraine sufferers and people with digestive disorders such as IBS. Inside, you'll learn:

• Why many sick people are actually suffering from chronic protein absorption deficiency.

• How specific protein peptides are being used as medicinal compounds.

• The truth about common protein powders and why "whole food protein" is superior to isolated proteins.

• How amino acids can act like powerful medicine in the human body.

• Surprise! The gut has its own nervous system called "the second brain."

• How protein deficiency accelerates aging.

• Why gut problems (leaky gut syndrome, IBS, Crohn's disease and more) are often caused by poor nutrient assimilation.

• The promise of probiotics: How "feeding your gut" can help you overcome disease.

• How poor digestion is the root cause of all degenerative disease (and how to fix it fast!)

• Why drugs-and-surgery medicine will never make you truly health.

• The little-known link between your mind and your digestive health.

• How to overcome chemotherapy side effects with improved protein assimilation.

• Why senior citizens desperately need quality protein sources to revive their health.

• How to eliminate migraine headaches with proper nutrition.

• Which herbs and nutrients detoxify and rejuvenate the liver.

The free online report is available now at:

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