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Originally published May 3 2007

NaturalNews secures reader discounts on top health and eco-friendly products

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

As a service to our readers, NaturalNews has secured discounts on nutritional products (supplements, superfoods, and more) from leading supplement formulators and retailers. These discounts, which are exclusive to NaturalNews readers, offer free bonus products, free shipping, percentage discounts or other incentives (varies from one company to the next).

Companies are offering these discounts because we asked them to extend exclusive offers to NaturalNews readers. We want to save you money on great products, and since we're not charging any companies to be publicized on NaturalNews, we thought it was more than fair to ask them to create special discounts for our readers. Everyone we've asked has been extremely happy to extend these exclusive discounts to NaturalNews readers.

Note: NaturalNews earns nothing from any of the products purchased through these discounts. We receive no money whatsoever to promote these discounts. This effort is being pursued solely for the benefit of NaturalNews readers and as a kind of karmic balance so that the companies we promote for free are giving something back to the natural health community.

Coupon codes found in our daily email newsletter

Part of our agreement with these nutritional supplement companies is that we will not post the coupon codes on the web. In order to make sure these coupon codes are used only by NaturalNews readers, we are distributing them via email only. Starting today, these coupon codes will be included in our outbound emails, below each day's news headlines.

We're starting with three coupon codes from companies I highly recommend. One coupon code is for a little-known chocolate company that makes the highest content cacao bar I've found yet!

To receive the coupon codes, simply click here to subscribe to our email newsletter (it's free). Watch your email for a confirmation message, then click the link to confirm your subscription (we use double opt-in).

The next weekday, you'll receive our email newsletter. Simply scroll towards the bottom of the newsletter to see the list of coupon codes for various companies. We're starting with just 3 coupon codes, and we'll be adding to that list each week.


Are you a natural health or green living product company?

If you're a company that wants to submit coupon codes for NaturalNews to distribute to readers, please click here to read how to submit products and coupon codes for review.

Please note that we do not charge you for this service, and we'll never ask you for a commission on the products you sell. We do this entirely as service to our readers and to make our own website a more valuable resource for health-conscious, eco-conscious consumers around the world.

All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing LLC takes sole responsibility for all content. Truth Publishing sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of products. is presented for educational and commentary purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed practitioner. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. For the full terms of usage of this material, visit