Bisphosphonates have come under fire in recent months after an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine linked the use of intravenous and tablet bisphosphonate drugs to ONJ in a variety of patients. Though the studies showed that intravenous use was the most dangerous, oral use is also a concern due to the long-term nature of most osteoporosis treatment. Though the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has investigated bisphosphonate medications such as Fosamax and now requires more stringent labeling procedures for the drugs, the organization recently approved bisphosphonate drug Actonel for use in males and does not appear to be cracking down on drug manufacturers.
ONJ is an irreversible condition in which bone tissue dies and fails to regenerate and is often seen in patients who have had dental extractions or implants and oral surgery. Symptoms include pain and swelling, numbness in the jaw, exposed bone, and loose teeth. Patients who are starting bisphosphonate use for osteoporosis should tell their doctor if they anticipate having oral surgery.
Unfortunately, bisphosphonates have been linked with more than just bone death: the drugs are also associated with joint pain, allergic reactions, gastrointestinal distress and other symptoms. But with drugs such as Fosamax being prescribed over 22 million times in 2005 and the drugs' popularity spreading abroad, it does not appear that the bisphosphonate trend will end anytime soon.
To find out more about bisphosphonate side effects and unsafe drugs, visit, your resource for everything legal. LegalView has information and news on bisphosphonate use, bisphosphonate class action, bisphosphonate litigation, and bisphosphonate lawyers.
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