In 1997, Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Because his disease was widely spread, his doctors told him that they could not cure him and that he should start putting his affairs in order. Instead of giving up, he created his own path to healing. “Dr. Andrew Weil wrote that any illness can be conquered through radical lifestyle change because our bodies are made with powerful self-healing capacities. It was damn hard to make such radical changes, but I was determined to see them through. I realized that to do otherwise meant that my chances of surviving were greatly diminished,” Kraus explained.
Today, nine years after his “death sentence” diagnosis, Mr. Kraus is alive with a good quality of life. He has written a book about his healing journey Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient's Guide. He also holds free bi-monthly teleconferences so that other mesothelioma patients can speak directly to him and ask questions. Mr. Kraus is not a doctor and does not provide medical advice, but as a patient he is able to share his own insights into how he has healed and managed his mesothelioma.
The next teleconference is scheduled for August 22, 2006. Sign-up form is available at: All mesothelioma patients are invited to attend.