In experiments, sixty male rats were divided into three groups -- one group was fed blueberry extract, one was fed strawberry extract, and one was left as a control group. Half of each group was then exposed to a radioactive iron source to simulate age-related cognitive decline, before running through a water maze.
The irradiated control rats showed significant reductions in brain function compared to the unexposed control rats, but the rats fed a blueberry extract diet showed increased resistance to cognitive decline, especially in the area of reversal learning.
The study, published in the journal Neurobiology and Aging, also found that the strawberry extract diet seemed to offer better protection against spatial deficits while running the maze when compared to controls.
This evidence leads researchers to theorize that the berry extracts may act in different brain regions. "While these results are interesting, more testing needs to be done to confirm this suggestion,� the report said.
The findings suggest that including berries or berry extract in the diets of astronauts could protect them from exposure to radiation from long-term missions in space, as well as protect against the effects of aging.
In addition to protecting the nervous system from oxidative damage, blueberries have also been clinically shown to naturally lower high cholesterol to the same degree as prescription drugs, but without the dangerous side effects.