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Originally published August 17 2005

Massage treatment can help cure cellulite

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Millions of women throughout the world have cellulite, but many are reducing the amounts on their body through a massage treatment called endermologie.

Top models have smooth, sleek, sexy legs, free of the dreaded dimpled skin called cellulite. But cellulite affects 90 percent of American women. The Early Show national correspondent Hattie Kauffman reports for some, it's a non-invasive massage procedure called endermologie. Plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Ellenbogen says, "Some of the top models in the United States come to our center. You would look at them and say, 'Gosh, these people can't possibly need this stuff.' It uses massage and lasers, and it's called "triactive." "What the massage does is it breaks up connective tissue or the fatty deposits. The Food and Drug Administration have just approved Triactive, and a woman who is undergoing treatment says it does not hurt at all. "It's frustrating; it was embarrassing," Rostad says, "You don't want to go out and have people staring at cellulite." For more serious fat deposits, there's a new development in liposuction as well. It uses ultrasound to liquify fat cells. A month later, triactive endermologie is added for the knockout punch. Dr. Motykie expects it will be the way to treat cellulite. He says, "It is a combination of doing the liposuction to get the shape and the contour sculpted that you like, and then, the triactive to get the swelling down so they look good in a bikini for the summer." Pleased with the lipo-endermologie treatment, Kimberly Stuart, 37, says, "My thighs were heavier at the top and I had more cellulite. Before I would call them thunder thigh-ish. "It depends on the tightness of the skin," says Ellenbogen, "If there's still elastic fibers to the skin, we work on women in their 60s and 70s and get nice results.

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