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Originally published July 5 2005

Cold Sore Healing Time and Symptoms Significantly Reduced with Lysine-Based Topical Ointment (press release)

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Cold sore sufferers using a Lysine based topical ointment healed more quickly and experienced significantly reduced symptoms according to a study from Southern California University of Health Sciences published this week in the peer reviewed journal, Alternative Medicine Review (Volume 10, No. 2). That’s good news for the 60 million people with active cold sores. The forumla used in the study is named LIP CLEAR Lysine+ in pharmacies and Super Lysine+ in health food stores.

“The formula reduced the duration of cold sore symptoms by 50% or more when compared to untreated cold sore data”. said Betsy Singh, PhD, the University’s Dean of Research. The median healing time was 4.0 days - 1/2 to 1 full day shorter than in the studies on the leading prescription and OTC brands which cost 3 to 5 times more.

The study was co-authored by Jay Udani, MD, Medical Director of the Integrative Medicine Program at Northridge Hospital, Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA / Geffen School of Medicine and Adjunct Professor of Research at SCU.

The study, Safety and Effectiveness of an L-Lysine, Zinc, and Herbal-Based Product on the Treatment of Facial and Circumoral Herpes, also showed that within three days, the formula either completely eliminated or dramatically reduced cold sore symptoms, including tingling, burning, itching, tenderness, prickling, soreness and blistering. In addition, a remarkable 40% of the participants had full cure by end of the third day. No adverse effects were reported.

The LIP CLEAR Lysine+ formula includes a proprietary blend of L-Lysine and 14 nutrients, (natural zinc oxide, Vitamins A, D and E, extracts of goldenseal, propolis, calendula, echinacea; cajeput and tea tree oil, and gum benzoin tincture, honey and lithium carbonate in a base of olive oil and yellow beeswax). For more information visit or call 1-800-448-1448. The all natural ointment, known as LIP CLEAR Lysine+ is available throughout the USA and Canada, or or call 1-800-448-1448.

According to the researchers, participants commented that the formula provided a superior experience compared to other formulas; it was invisible, could be worn under lipstick, did not burn when applied, and provided immediate relief.

This open label outcome study measured time to full cure as well as ten common symptoms. Full cure referred to the complete disappearance of the lesion, not merely crusting, the end point in most studies (crusting may take 2 to 7 more days to disappear). The ten factors for monitoring the sores were: tingling, itching, burning, tenderness, prickling, soreness, bump/swelling, small blister(s), oozing blister(s), and crusting. 120 subjects pre-enrolled and 30 subjects, half male/female, 28 to 65, participated. All subjects were experienced cold sores sufferers and were familiar with other treatments and their efficacy.

Cold sores are small blisters that form around the mouth that are clear and filled with fluid. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus which lives inside nerve tissue. It is estimated that 80% of the population carry the virus and 60 million people have outbreaks once or more per year. Cold sores are also known as Herpes Simplex or HSV1 (not the same as genital herpes) and may be referred to as fever blisters. Cold sores can be triggered by sunlight, fever, illness, stress, arginine rich foods such as chocolate, food allergies or hormonal changes. Early symptoms of an outbreak are itching, tingling or a burning sensation. Cold sores are contagious and can be spread by kissing or sharing eating utensils, toothbrushes, towels or razors.

Cold Sore Healing Time and Symptoms Significantly Reduced with Lysine-Based Topical Ointment (press release)

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