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Originally published May 29 2005

Sprinkle-on carbohydrate blocker now available: interview with Absolute Nutrition

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Mike: We're here today with Gregg Scully, the president of Absolute Nutrition. That's Gregg has a very interesting product here: Sprinkle-on carbohydrate blocker.

Gregg: Correct, yes.

Mike: In different flavors?

Gregg: We add a flavor to it.

Mike: What kind of flavors do you have here?

Gregg: We've got a sweetener, a bit of salt; we've got a butter flavor and we have an unflavored (carbohydrate blocker). So, you can put it on a variety of different foods.

Mike: So, if someone's eating, let's say, pasta, and they want to block the carbs, they just sprinkle on some of this?

Gregg: Sprinkle the butter flavored on and it blends right in and you block some of the carbohydrates in the foods.

Mike: Is it a phase 2 ingredient? Is that what's being...

Gregg: It's not phase 2, but it is white kidney bean extract.

Mike: And is this available in retail distribution now?

Gregg: We're available at GNC, Vitamin Shop, Rite-aid, those places. Plus, your local health food stores.

Mike: Okay. Can people order online from you, or only through the channel?

Gregg: Sure they can. They can order online also.

Mike: What's the online price for these products?

Gregg: The online price is $19.99 a bottle, (with) free shipping.

Mike: Okay. For those (reading this interview), these are shaped and sized just like a bottle of, say...

Gregg: McCormick spice, like a shake-on spice, and there's 42 servings or 42 meals per bottle of shake-on.

Mike: Okay. The reason people might like this is because they don't want to swallow the (carbohydrate blocker) pills or remember the pills, instead they can just use it as a shaker.

Gregg: Exactly, exactly. The pills you have to take like 10, 15 minutes before you eat, and that sort of falls out of people's schedule. With this you can drop it right on the table and sprinkle it on whenever you want it.

Mike: So they don't have to wait for a capsule to dissolve or anything like that.

Gregg: Exactly. Throw it in your pocketbook and bring it to a restaurant, if you carry a pocketbook, Mike.

Mike: Well, I don't personally. Because, yes, who thinks about taking pills 15 minutes before they eat? People don't do that.

Gregg: Exactly. Most people keep their supplements in their medicine cabinets too. So, people aren't running to the bathroom before they eat, you know, it just doesn't happen.

Mike: It's usually after you eat.

Gregg: Exactly, yes.

Mike: Are you finding a good response to this product so far?

Gregg: Yes, we've got a real good response so far. We've got it into some good retail chains like I mentioned to you. So, obviously the buyers in the retail chains are very interested in it, and starting next week, we're starting some television advertising. So, we're going to try and start telling everybody about it.

Mike: Because, what I find, I'll share with you, is people know they're not supposed to eat refined sugars and refined grains, but sometimes they do anyway. When they do, they need to take, what I call "defensive supplements," which would be something just like this.

Gregg: Yes, sure. I've always watched what I eat, but I always have a cheat day. I've got to pick the day; it's usually Sunday. It usually starts early Sunday afternoon and ends late Sunday night, but there's got to be a cheat day, and there's no better time to sprinkle this stuff on. You know, onto your pizza, onto your pasta, whatever you're going to eat.

Mike: Well said.

Gregg: Sprinkle it on your sandwich and block the bread.

Mike: It's hard to get a sandwich made with good, healthy whole-grain bread.

Gregg: Yes.

Mike: OK, wonderful, well thank you Greg. Thanks for sharing time with me on this today.

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