Norton's Naturals are frozen in an egg shape. Simply give as a treat, or place atop dry food. Dogs and cats love frozen treats, but Eggology egg whites are salmonella tested making them safe to eat raw, just in case they melt. Either way... they love it. The ingredients are: egg whites, salmon oil, oats... absolutely nothing else added - Nothing ! Norton's Naturals are kosher, have no preservatives or artificial ingredients whatsoever, and high in protein.
Why egg whites??
Known as the only food to be 100% pure protein, bodybuilders and food chemists have long recommended this food source for both humans and animals. Egg whites are not only naturally high in selenium, believed to thwart cancer, but they are also so pure they are absorbed into the bloodsteam without the need for breakdown. Additionally, egg whites are low in calorie, have no fat or carbs and are responsible for healthy bones, blood, organs, teeth and your pet's coat.
Norton's Story...
Norton, a Bernese Mountain Dog named for the character on the 50's TV show "The Honeymooners" spent the first 19 months of his life on antibiotics due to allergies that caused flakey skin & nose and lesions on his belly. At that same time we, at Eggology, were receiving requests from veterinarians requesting egg whites for post surgery dogs and cats. 100% pure and salmonella tested, Eggology are the only egg whites completely safe to eat raw, and the egg white protein sped up the animals' recovery. And since 1999, when we began to use our fresh egg whites to create the perfect food and treat for dogs and cats, Norton has been allergy-free, is the picture of health and has a beautiful silken coat. Countless dogs and cats have experienced the same results.