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Originally published September 14 2005

Travel agency to sell trips to the moon

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Japan's biggest travel agency, Japan Travel Bureau, is teamed up with a U.S. company called Space Adventures to offer trips around the moon and to the international space station. For $100 million, you can take a trip around the moon. For $20 million, you can stop at the station.

Japan's biggest travel agency said it will soon be offering more than ski trips and hot spa getaways to adventurous Japanese willing to cough up the yen for visits to space. Japan Travel Bureau said it will handle Japanese bookings for visits to the International Space Station and flights around the moon for Space Adventures, a U.S.-based company that first pioneered commercial space travel by sending "tourists" into space atop Russian rockets, the Tokyo-based company said Thursday in a news release. On JTB's itinerary is a $100 million trip around the moon and a $20 million stop by the International Space Station. The company is also selling a brief $100,000 flight into space to allow visitors to experience weightless. Space Adventures announced plans to fly people around the moon last week, saying it could launch the first mission by 2008. The trip, aboard a modified Russian spacecraft, will offer the chance to see the Earth rise from lunar orbit, and a view of the far side of the moon from an altitude of 62 miles.

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