Campaign Enterprise 9 (now available at can sort email campaigns using any information column, display a progress meter during email campaign delivery, and even allows email marketers to enter campaign liner notes right on the main menu.
Other improved features of Campaign Enterprise 9:
� Campaign Scheduler Deluxe offers three ways to schedule email campaigns: by calendar date, by selected days of the week, and by specified delivery interval.
� Campaign Active Archive can remove old campaigns from the main menu without deleting them. This feature also maintains Can-Spam compliance by continuing to actively record unsubscribe requests for 30 days after a message is sent.
� Database Collision Protection separates email campaign writeback processing to prevent data collisions between source database updates and email campaign writebacks in progress.
"After 18 months of R&D effort, hundreds of hours of consulting with clients, and dozens of on-site meetings with our most demanding email senders, we've built the most advanced and convenient personalized email sending software yet," said Mike Adams, Arial Software president/CEO and a pioneer of email marketing technology. "Campaign Enterprise 9 helps email marketing managers get more done in less time, with far better results, greater control, and significant improvements in performance."
About Arial Software Founded in 1993, Arial Software is widely considered the leading industry pioneer in permission email marketing software. The company�s products are used by thousands of businesses, non-profits, associations and other groups to compose and send email newsletters and personalized messages directly to subscribers, customers, prospects and members.