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Originally published November 22 2004

Medical community blames Dr. David Graham for warning about prescription drugs; medical McCarthyism now in full swing

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Here's how twisted the medical community is these days: when FDA researcher (and now, public safety hero) Dr. David Graham raised safety questions about five prescription drugs in Senate testimony, the drug companies, FDA officials and old-school doctors actually accused him of starting a panic in the minds of patients.

How's that for distortion? Now telling the truth about the dangerous side effects of prescription drugs is being characterized as starting a panic. Apparently, Big Pharma and the FDA would much rather people be dead than panicked. After all, dead people don't ask many questions, nor do they sue drug companies for damages.

Big Pharma wants to keep everybody in the dark, and the Fraud and Drug Administration is doing its best to enforce that ignorance through indimitation and deceit. There is something wickedly evil about our national pharmaceutical industry and the corruption at the FDA. When the very people trying to warn the public about the safety hazards of dangerous drugs are discredited and blamed for raising awareness, we are neck-deep in nothing less than an era of medical McCarthyism. God help us all.

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