But of course, the FDA and the monopoly pharmaceutical industry in the United States won't stand for anything resembling the free market. And that's what this issue is all about -- in America, we can purchase dishware made in China, clothing made in Mexico, automobiles made in Japan, but god forbid should we try to purchase prescription drugs from Canada.
Suddenly, we are all being labeled criminals by the FDA which blatantly seeks to protect the profits of the monopoly U.S. prescription drug industry by intimidating purchasers of prescription drugs and ridiculously maintaining that drugs from Canada are somehow more dangerous than the very same prescription drugs purchased in the United States. It's all a farce of course, and perhaps it is the perfect definition of a drug racket. The fact is that drug companies are simply milking U.S. consumers, exploiting them for the maximum profit possible, and attempting to protect their profits by outlawing the importation of prescription drugs from anywhere else.
My question is: what happened to free market principles in this country? Why is the FDA suddenly allowed to outlaw the free market and force people to purchase drugs in the United States? It reminds me of the old definition of financial servitude, where in the 1800's, railroad workers were paid a certain salary for their hard labor, and then required to purchase of all of their food and clothing from "company stores" where prices were often doubled or tripled. This had the result of exploiting workers and making sure they stayed broke so they'd have to keep working on the railroad.
The FDA is running basically the same game today -- in cooperation with Big Pharma. And they will continue to fight this tooth and nail, because the last thing they want is people having free choice about where they get their prescription drugs. For that matter, the FDA doesn't even want consumers having free choice about what forms of medicine or healing they wish to pursue, which is why the FDA continues to wage its war against nutritional supplements and medicinal herbs.
Essentially, this is a question of control. The people at the top of the scam want to control where you buy medicines, how much they cost, and what choices you have available. This, they claim, is for your own good, because everything else is "scientifically unproven." They're doing all this to protect our safety, they claim, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the very same people making these decisions are financially enriched by the resulting regulations.