It's a growing tide of common sense: why should cities, states and consumers pay 500,000% markups for prescription drugs in the United States when they can be purchased at a far lower price from respectable sources in Canada and elsewhere? Of course, the FDA continues to try to intimidate consumers, Governors, Mayors and Senators to try to put a stop to this practice. That's because the importation of drugs from Canada hurts the profits of Big Pharma, and protecting these profits is the number one priority of the FDA.
The FDA, of course, maintains that drugs from Canada are somehow "dangerous," yet as the Governor of Minnesota has rightly pointed out: if drugs from Canada are so dangerous, where are all the dead Canadians?
Big Pharma can only blame itself for all this: they got too greedy. By hiking prices beyond all reason, they've actually caused the free market reaction we're seeing now: the seeking of lower-priced alternatives from other sources. That's free market economics in action. The FDA, however, absolutely hates the free market, and so do U.S. drug companies. They want a controlled market, a monopoly drug market, where they set whatever prices they want and force people to buy from their sources. And to enforce this, they're willing to strongarm anyone who gets in their way.
There's a name for that. It's called organized crime.