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Originally published May 2 2004

Counterfeit prescription drugs swindle is dwarfed by the pharmaceutical industry's own scam

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

The FDA is worried sick about counterfeit prescription drugs. Why? Because it's competing with profits for drug companies, of course. I always laugh when I see these stories about investigations into counterfeit drugs, because it's amusing to see how worried the pharmaceutical industry gets over con men stealing some of their own evil profits. No honor among thieves, I suppose. It gets even funnier when you realize that since prescription drugs are so toxic to the human body, many people taking counterfeit drugs are probably going to end up being healthier than those taking the real deal.

The biggest laugh of all comes when you realize that the prescription drug industry is counterfeit to begin with! It's based on fraudulent studies, dubious hype and marketing propaganda, and a system of drug "safety" at the FDA that's nothing less than criminal in its negligence. If there's a scam going on, the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest scam of them all! What they don't want is some small-time scammer edging in on their big-time scam.

With that much money to be made, and with the price of drugs in the United States skyrocketing, an increasing number of criminals are turning to a lucrative trade --- counterfeit medications. "The counterfeiters are getting more sophisticated," said Dr. Mark McClellan, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. Aaron Graham, who is in charge of security for the drug company Perdue Pharma, said producing bogus prescriptions is easy, "because all you have to do is mimic the color and shape and you have a pill that looks like the authentic good." The loophole allows counterfeit drugs to find their way to pharmacies and ultimately to consumers. Roberts was taking Serostim, a drug prescribed to AIDS patients to help keep weight on. He noticed some subtle differences from previous prescriptions, like stinging at the injection site and soreness the next day.

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