
Five Keys to Optimum Women’s Health

There are all sorts of health advice out there for women, but how much of it is reliable? You can search the Internet for weeks at a time, read tons of articles and watch scores of documentaries and never really be sure that what you’ve heard and read is accurate. Besides, you’ve probably tried your Read More


Women increasingly use dangerous pharmaceuticals to stop natural menstrual cycles

Troublesome cramps, bloating and headaches have spurred some career-driven women to stop their periods indefinitely, so that they can keep up with the boys at work. This phenomenon is made possible thanks to hormones that are intended to be used as contraceptives. Despite the serious health risks associated with this decision, some ladies are so Read More


“The Dangerous Age:” When menopause hits women in their 30s

When women think about perimenopause, or the time when a woman’s body begins to make its natural transition towards menopause, they picture this process as happening in their late 40s or early 50s. However, menopausal symptoms can arise much earlier in some women, sometimes impacting those in their 30s. What Your Doctor May Not Tell Read More


Women: Give in to your chocolate cravings, you’ll feel happier and thinner

The information in this article couldn’t be timelier with the recent celebration of Halloween. Unless you’re some sort of alien or an obsessive health fanatic who never eats sugar, ever, it’s likely you’ve had a few bites of chocolate over the spooky holiday. Don’t fret! It’s OK. What I’m about to tell you isn’t new news, Read More


Top 12 foods for a flat tummy

Being bloated is a terrible feeling. It makes you self-conscious and can even ruin what would otherwise be a good time. Well, say goodbye to that bloated belly. Here are 12 foods to fight bloat and bring you peace of mind: Papaya – contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme. Avocado – contains lipase, which helps break Read More


Top 3 antioxidants for healthy skin

Everyone wants to have smooth, beautiful skin as they age. There are lots of things you can do to help maintain your youth – plenty of exercise and a healthy diet are two of the most potent actions you can take. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals don’t just keep our insides healthy, after all. But our skin Read More