All posts tagged with wild violets
-(Natural News) Wild violets are beautiful, but many people consider the plant an unwanted weed. But if you know how to use them, you would treasure wild violets because of their many edible and medicinal uses. (h/t to How to identify wild violets Wild violets (Viola sororia) or common blue violets usually have purple flowers and […]
-(Natural News) Wild violets bear beautiful flowers, but some people think of the plant as an annoyance that can take over a well-manicured lawn. But did you know that the wild violets, also called common blue violets, can be used to make natural remedies to boost your immunity? (h/t to Differentiating wild violets and African […]
-(Natural News) When you see weeds in your lawn or garden, your initial reaction would usually be to eliminate all of them. But did you know that certain weeds, like beautiful wild violets, have various survival uses? (h/t to Take note that you should learn how to differentiate between wild violets and African violets. While […]
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