All posts tagged with water purification
-(Natural News) Water is an important part of your preps for when SHTF, especially if you plan to bug in or stay at home when disaster strikes. Even in normal circumstances, you need a regular supply of clean water for drinking, cooking, gardening and sanitation. If you’re worried about water quality during a survival scenario, […]
-(Natural News) A new low-cost filter is set to address water purification for those living off the grid. The filter — which resembles a large sponge — soaks up water but leaves contaminants such as pathogens and chemicals behind. Placing the filter under the sun allows clean water to pass through, which can then be collected for […]
-(Natural News) The quest for clean water does not stop even after SHTF. Therefore, it’s important to know how to purify water when you’re forced to source it from lakes and streams. Different ways to purify water Water purification differs from water filtration. The latter uses a porous substance to filter water and is less effective at removing pollutants. Meanwhile, […]
-(Natural News) TV shows and movies may portray surviving out in the wilderness as a fun adventure, but this is the furthest thing from reality. Becoming self-sufficient in the wilderness is a task that many survivalists spend years trying to accomplish. There are certain types of skills you need to master in order to survive for […]
-(Natural News) Researchers developed a solar-powered desalination device that vaporizes saltwater to produce potable water. The unit works thanks to a titanium-based material that captures solar energy and powers evaporation. Made of a special type of paper coated with a compound called titanium nitride oxide, the material heats rapidly and vaporizes water when exposed to the sun. The resulting water vapor is then […]
-(Natural News) Regular access to fresh water is a luxury for more than 1.5 billion people who live in arid locations. On the other hand, sunshine is abundant in these places that lack fresh water. With this in mind, a team of researchers are developing a device that creates fresh water using the power of […]
-(Natural News) Ensuring you have adequate water supply is an absolute must if you wish to make it through a disaster. For starters, you will not last a few days if you don’t drink enough water. Additionally, you need to get rid of dirty dishes, wash your hands and deal with human waste, among other things. […]
-(Natural News) When SHTF, you do not want to be left empty-handed. This is why it is very important to have the right equipment ready for when disaster strikes, as the right gear can greatly increase your chances of survival. Here are the four essential pieces of gear that you will need to survive when and after SHTF. […]
-(Natural News) Water is essential for survival. People know that truism well enough to keep their storage tanks full. Yet when SHTF, most of these tanks won’t be big enough to last a year’s worth of drinking water. As this prized commodity slowly runs out, the need for a new water source, such as a nearby well or rainwater, will become increasingly clear. Here […]
-(Natural News) For a while now, scientists have been looking into the use of nanomaterials as a way to clean water. The idea is that nanofilters made from these materials would be able to remove even the smallest impurities and contaminants in water. In a recent study published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry, a team led by researchers […]