All posts tagged with washing machines
-(Natural News) The delicate wash cycle in washing machines may not be so delicate after all: Recent research found that delicate wash cycles shed more microfibers than ordinary spin cycles. Researchers from Newcastle University partnered with Proctor & Gamble to test the effects of various variables such as temperature and water volume on microfiber shedding. They found that […]
-(Natural News) What good is saving the environment if you can’t save yourself from diseases caused by pathogenic microbes in your very clothes? It turns out that running washing machines on their energy-saving setting fails to eliminate the harmful microorganisms in dirty clothes. These microbes could potentially spread all kinds of diseases. They are normally handled by a combination […]
-(Natural News) When SHTF, how are you going to keep your clothes clean? What will you do if you lose power right this minute and you have a full load of clothes in a washing machine that won’t turn on? It’s not limited to power outage; you can also use the options listed below if […]
-(Natural News) When prepping, people often prioritize food supplies, water, and survival gear. But what about a way to keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean even after SHTF? Consider setting up an emergency washing machine, which you can make using a portable washer like the Ball Breathing Mobile Washer. (h/t to With a mobile washer, you […]