All posts tagged with war criminal
-(Natural News) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is expected to deploy more troops to the alliance’s eastern flank composed of Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia as Ukrainian officials called for help to rescue around 100,000 people trapped in Mariupol amidst the war with Russia. “I expect leaders will agree to strengthen NATO’s posture in all domains, with […]
-(Natural News) An effort is under way right now to harvest Ebola-infected subjects from African nations, then transport them to the U.S. border and have them cross into the United States as “human weapons” who will unleash Ebola on U.S. soil. This is part of the globalist effort to bring down the United States of […]
-(Natural News) His name is constantly blaring across the conservative airwaves these days for his direct involvement in funding civil unrest efforts both domestically and abroad, not to mention the litany of leftists organizations like Media Matters and Planned Parenthood that he actively supports and promotes. But what many people don’t know about infamous globalist […]