All posts tagged with vote theft
-(Natural News) As more time passes following the theft of the 2020 election from Donald Trump, the more we are learning just how widespread the effort was. The latest details come from an election worker in Georgia, who took notes in real-time exposing “massive” election integrity issues that, if they were repeated in other battleground […]
-(Natural News) Despite all the fake news lies that claimed Dominion voting machines could not be hacked and could not be used to alter the outcome of the election, analyst Jovan Pulitzer has just unleashed a bombshell announcement during a live Georgia senate hearing. White hat hackers were able to remotely gain full control over […]
-(Natural News) In today’s Situation Update (Dec. 7th), I cover the bogus science behind PCR testing, explaining from a lab science point of view why no PCR instrument can “quantify” anything, whether it’s a coronavirus viral load or the percentage of a food that’s GMO. In fact, literally all the tests currently conducted with PCR […]
-(Natural News) Lawyers representing the state of Georgia against We the People in our fight for a fair election say that a forensic inspection of Dominion Voting Systems would violate the company’s “trade secrets,” and thus must not be allowed to happen. Buried deep within Judge Timothy C. Batten’s restraining order released late Sunday night […]
-(Natural News) An illegal money-for-votes raffle scheme has been inadvertently exposed in Nevada. A report by The Epoch Times claims that the Nevada Native Vote Project posted photos on Facebook on Election Day showing smiling voters holding $25 gift cards after handing over their ballots. The posts have now since been deleted in a move The Epoch Times […]
-(Natural News) A non-partisan group of citizens and statisticians are challenging the credibility of Michigan’s election results. After conducting an audit of the official data, statistical experts found troubling signs that the election was subject to interference by mail-in ballot fraud and algorithms. These nationally recognized statistical experts examined the records to look for statistical […]
-(Natural News) Another election “irregularity” has been discovered in Arizona, this time in the county of Greenlee where a “faulty upload,” as they are calling it, resulted in about 6,000 votes for President Trump being incorrectly attributed to Joe Biden. In the early morning hours of Nov. 24, unofficial results showed Biden and Trump separated […]
-(Natural News) Viewership of our daily “Situation Update” podcasts is exploding, as each day we’re bringing you hard-hitting breaking news intel on the election theft / cyber war situation against America. I’m going to be posting a Situation Update each day, including on Thanksgiving, so check (upper right-hand column) for new podcast videos as […]
-(Natural News) As President Donald Trump’s campaign legal team repeatedly makes allegations that software used by Denver-based Dominion Voting Machines helped “switch votes” to Democratic rival Joe Biden, the company had a perfect opportunity to refute those charges once and for all. But the company didn’t take it. Instead, officials chose to hide. And now […]
-(Natural News) Without question, it has become painfully obvious that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump and in one the most insidious ways: By using electronic ballot manipulation, proving again why in-person, paper-ballot voting must be required from here on. You may have heard that a division of the Department of Homeland Security […]