All posts tagged with VO2 max
-(Natural News) Not everyone has enough time to go to the gym every day. But according to a study presented at EuroPrevent 2019, taking the stairs regularly can help improve your fitness. To date, this is the largest study on cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy people. According to the study, physical activity is associated with longevity, regardless of age, sex, […]
-(Natural News) Vitamin D is more than just a bone-building vitamin; it can also enhance your exercise regimen. A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology shows that higher levels of vitamin D are associated with better exercise capacity. Earlier studies have shown that people who exercise regularly tend to have high levels […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found an association between vitamin D levels and exercise capacity. In the study, it was found that higher levels of vitamin D are associated to better cardiorespiratory fitness or exercise capacity. The study, which was conducted by a team of researchers from Virginia […]
-(Natural News) High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, is the latest trend that has taken the fitness world by storm, and for good reason. In fact, it’s become so popular in the U.S. that the Department of Health and Human Services has called it an effective method to “improve insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and body […]