All posts tagged with vitamin C
-(Natural News) One of the greatest controversies in oncology may have been resolved: Researchers may have discovered the reason that research into the effectiveness of high-dose vitamin C as a cancer treatment has been so mixed. When taken orally, massive quantities of vitamin C are either broken down or excreted unused by the body. In […]
-(Natural News) Vitamin C provides many health benefits and it is used by the body in many different ways. For example, your body uses vitamin C to form collagen. According to the NIH, vitamin C is also used in the creation of skin, ligaments,tendons and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also essential for repairing and […]
-(Natural News) Fluoride is a known neurotoxin which has been making headlines recently because it has been added to 75 percent of our nation’s drinking water. Over 200 million Americans ingest the neurotoxin, which has been known to accumulate in the body and lead to adverse health effects. Natural health advocates continue to expose fluoride […]
-(Natural News) During the late 1940s and the 1950s, outbreaks of polio surged throughout the United States. One specific incident in Reidsville, NC had somewhat startling conclusions. Dr. F. R. Klenner found that by frequently injecting massive amounts of ascorbic acid, aka Vitamin C, into patients who tested positive for polio over a 72 hour period, […]
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