All posts tagged with virus transmission
-(Natural News) Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) broadened the definition of “close contact” for COVID-19 — the disease caused by the novel coronavirus — after a correctional officer in Vermont who had brief close contact with infected prisoners contracted the disease. According to the officer, he was “never around the infected people for […]
-(Natural News) Modern indoor ventilation systems, which are designed to keep temperatures comfortable and increase energy efficiency, may actually increase the risk of getting infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This is according to a new study by researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. According to the researchers, whose findings were published in […]
-(Natural News) If you’re sick or if you have a chronic health condition, you may not think twice about getting your prescription filled at the nearest pharmacy. However, according to a leaked email, a CVS district leader warned employees not to tell customers that their medications were filled by a worker who has tested positive for coronavirus […]
Cleaning agents used to sanitize offices and kill coronavirus may be harmful to humans, warn experts
-(Natural News) Businesses throughout the country are eager to resume regular operations after the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic forced employees to find alternative ways to report to work earlier this year. While others telecommuted, employees required to be on the premises were allowed to have shifting schedules. But despite these safety measures, health experts are worried about […] -
-(Natural News) Throughout America, many worried shoppers are stocking up on essential items to prepare for possible supply shortages and extended community lockdown because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Aside from food, buyers are also looking for important items like cleaning supplies, rubbing alcohol, soap and hand sanitizer. If you’re running low on hand sanitizer, […]
-(Natural News) These are troubled times and citizens are practicing social distancing to prevent the further spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). But once your supplies dwindle down, you need to leave the house to replenish your stocks, meaning you (and your groceries) would be exposed to all types of bacteria and viruses. Do you know how […]
-(Natural News) People are panicking because of the steady spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), but tests using a special UV camera have confirmed a simple yet effective way of slowing down the spread of germs: thorough hand washing. Health experts are constantly advising the public to wash their hands, but people must also be educated on the […]
-(Natural News) As the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across America, panic-stricken citizens are buying items left and right. Shoppers are hoarding food and cleaning supplies, but not all products can disinfect surfaces with coronavirus, revealed a study. How long does coronavirus last on a surface? A study published in the preprint database medRxiv on […]
-(Natural News) The U.K. government is urging people to wash their hands as often as necessary and to avoid touching their faces with unclean hands. The advice comes as part of the second phase of a massive public awareness campaign, which aims to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. Health officials say that the virus may […]