All posts tagged with VenomTech
-(Natural News) Claiming to have the main goals of eliminating malaria, hookworm and yellow fever, the Rockefeller Foundation, over a century ago, took over the core education and practical application apparatus of every medical college and hospital in America. Through bribery, price fixing, corporate espionage and creating shell companies as cover for illegal activities, Rockefeller […]
-(Natural News) The practice of black magic involves “witches” who use specific natural elements to cast “spells” that harm humans. Often, these witches commune with evil beings to create formulas or “potions” and recite incantations for casting those ritualistic spells. In the real world, the practice of “black magic” involves scientists in laboratories who use […]
-(Natural News) As the concept of “venom theory” has reverberated around the world this week, many people are shocked to realize how many pharmaceutical medications are derived almost entirely from rattlesnake venom, Gila Monster reptile venom, pit viper venom, scorpion venom and other such sources. A pain treatment drug named Prialt (see is actually […]
-(Natural News) The establishment is already contesting that snake venom is used in the development of pharmaceuticals, calling it a “conspiracy theory.” But the evidence is there for anyone wanting to investigate it. Many “life-saving” drugs, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced back in 2018, are made from the venom of snakes. And it is […]
-(Natural News) Millions of Americans (and many more around the world) are swallowing pharmaceuticals made from venom peptides that come from pit vipers, rattlesnakes, toxic cone snails, leeches, Gila monster lizards and more. Drugs in development have been made from creatures like the Deathstalker scorpion or even vampire bats. This realization is just hitting the […]
-(Natural News) In order to broaden the scope of its snake venom-derived products which are licensed to pharmaceutical companies for drug development, Venomtech is partnering with Charles River Laboratories, International Inc., the same company that Tony Fauci sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to for the creation of transgender monkeys. In an announcement dated April […]
-(Natural News) Astonishingly, it is rapidly becoming apparent in the aftermath of the Dr. Bryan Ardis revelations about snake venom origins for covid-19 that many people — even some in alt media — are completely unaware that snake venom is commonly used as the starting point for pharmaceutical research. Earlier today, a UK company literally […]
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