All posts tagged with Veggies
-(Natural News) Pickling is a simple way of retaining the crispness of summer vegetables and boosting their nutritional value. It will cost you less money and less effort to conserve fresh vegetables. You just need plenty of sterilized jars and the golden trinity of pickling –vinegar, water and rock salt. The science of using vinegar […]
-(Natural News) Eating a balanced diet is key to maintaining optimal health. According to David Sinclair, a longevity expert and Harvard geneticist, superfoods like avocados and blueberries can increase your life expectancy. Aside from exercising regularly and supporting your mental health, incorporating nutritious foods into your regular diet can help you stay healthy and live longer. Below […]
-(Natural News) From leafy greens to root plants, vegetables are some of the healthiest foods on the planet. Packed with important vitamins and minerals, these superfoods can help strengthen immunity, fight inflammation and boost overall health. But veggies have a lot more to offer than they let on. When paired with the right foods, they […]
-(Natural News) People who eat a plant-based diet are less likely to contract COVID-19 and become severely ill with the disease, according to a recent study by researchers from Harvard Medical School, King’s College London and the health science company ZOE. The researchers analyzed data from over 590,000 people from the United States and the United Kingdom who answered […]
-(Natural News) You don’t need to have a backyard to grow your own food. If you’re limited to a cramped balcony, a small patio or even just a sunny windowsill, you can still grow vegetables. The key is to use containers, such as pots, planter boxes and barrels. You can even recycle old baskets and […]
-(Natural News) People who eat high-quality diets containing fruits, vegetables and fish are less likely to contract the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and become severely ill with the disease, according to a preprint released recently on medRxiv. A team of researchers from King’s College London, Harvard Medical School and the health science company ZOE analyzed data from more […]
-(Natural News) Fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet. Even if you’re always in a hurry to beat the rush hour in the morning, you can still start your day with an energy-boosting breakfast that contains a variety of superfoods. All you need to do is whip up a simple yet tasty smoothie using nutritious ingredients like […]
-(Natural News) Before SHTF, a prepper’s stockpile will already have an assortment of food supplies like beans, rice and clean drinking water. But if you’re looking for more items to add to your stockpile, consider uncommon but equally important foods like canned tuna or honey. (h/t to The foods listed below are nutritious and have […]
-(Natural News) It’s important to prepare for emergencies, as these can happen without a moment’s notice. For most people, that means stockpiling enough food to keep themselves fed in the event an emergency happens. But as you fill up your storage spaces with quick fixes like rice, spaghetti and survival rations, why not balance it out by […]
-(Natural News) Not all vegetables take several months to mature. Even if you’re not an experienced gardener, there are plenty of vegetables that you can harvest in no time. From leafy greens to root vegetables, here are five of the easiest vegetables to grow. (h/t to Spinach A must-have leafy green vegetable, spinach provides several heart-healthy […]