All posts tagged with vascular health
-(Natural News) Doctors and researchers are now confirming that nearly all the negative side effects and deaths stemming from covid vaccines are the result of blood clots. Many of those clots are very small and unable to be easily detected with standard medical imaging equipment. These clots, called “micro blood clots,” can cut off the […]
-(Natural News) Obese individuals have higher levels of a protein linked to blood vessel damage, found a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. This protein is called the wingless-related integration site 5A, or WNT5A. It triggers internal or oxidative stress and promotes the build-up of substances in the blood vessels. Over time, this build-up could develop into plaques and lead to […]
-(Natural News) A brain aneurysm occurs when a weak spot in an artery balloons out and fills up with blood. Estimates show that more than six million people in the United States have an unruptured brain aneurysm, and around 30,000 rupture each year. Statistics from the Brain Aneurysm Foundation also reveal that women are more likely to have a […]
-(Natural News) Flavonoids are active compounds produced by plants as part of their natural defense against microbial pathogens. In edible plants like vegetables, flavonoids serve as both pigments and regulators of their growth. Meanwhile in fruits and flowers, these useful compounds provide them with aroma and color. They also attract pollinators, eventually assisting in fruit […]
-(Natural News) Researchers in Japan found that endothelial dysfunction may be prevented with boysenberries. They discovered in their study that boysenberry polyphenol and its anthocyanins can inhibit blood and lymphatic vessel dysfunction and help keep vascular stability. Endothelial, also known as blood and lymphatic vessel, cells play an important role in the maintenance of vascular […]
-(Natural News) Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a bigger problem than it’s often given credit for. Its effects go beyond sexual satisfaction, influencing even its sufferers’ quality of life, relationships, and risk for psychological problems like depression. Although there are medications to address the problem, homeopathic treatments are seen as a safer option […]
-(Natural News) A typical vegetarian diet, one that restricts meat consumption to less than one serving a month, is both detoxifying and regenerative for the body. Most animal flesh strains the digestive system, raises inflammation levels in the body, increases acidity, and hinders nutrient absorption. A review of nearly 50 studies shows that, for the […]