All posts tagged with vaccine scam
-(Natural News) (Op-ed) Welcome to 2022, and it really hasn’t been so long since the opioid epidemic was “uncovered” by truth news, proving that everything “science” isn’t always good for your health, humanity, the Earth and basic survival. Take an overhead look and it’s plain as day to see. Two engineered crises. One based on […]
-(Natural News) Over a year ago, it was considered “conspiracy theory” to suggest that covid vaccines were a never-ending mRNA program, requiring routine booster shots and periodic updates to human cells. After all, an effective vaccine should generate robust memory B cells that last longer than three weeks. But with Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines, […]
-(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update returns to our traditional format, which is a single “full” podcast covering a wide range of topics. We tested the multi-part format for two days, and after listening to reader feedback, the solution is now obvious: A single podcast with a description that includes time stamps for where each topic […]
-(Natural News) Millions of Americans are taking prescription medications just to deal with the side effects of their other prescription medications. This latest epidemic has been termed “S.E.S.” for Side Effect Syndrome, and it’s no joke. Understanding why all prescription medications are made in laboratories using chemicals is key to comprehending the root cause of […]
-(Natural News) The manufacturers of one of the biggest vaccines scams ever created want your children and teenagers to think it’s hip to get injected with genetically modified organisms that have caused over 140 deaths and more than 10,000 adverse events, including loss of muscle use, seizures, and anaphylactic shock. Yes, we’re talking about Gardasil, […]
-(Natural News) Most Americans have no clue about the deep-seeded levels of corruption inside our regulatory agencies, including the AMA, FDA, CDC, and the EPA. Insidious racketeering and scheming began before World War II, and powerful U.S. industrialists carefully planned and plotted health Ponzi schemes utilizing dangerous chemicals, from spraying our crops to canning our […]
-(Natural News) Study after study has shown a clear link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), yet health authorities repeatedly fail to protect the people. In fact, they keep defending the industry by stating that childhood vaccines do not increase the risk of ASD or other illnesses. How much more evidence do they need before […]