All posts tagged with vaccine horror
-(Natural News) For decades, the skeptics of vaccines and pharmaceuticals have been hammered with the same old ‘mantra’ that everything created in a laboratory, since the 1950s, is “safe and effective.” Yet, we’ve all seen the damage done by vaccines, especially when you see how many young boys (at least 1 in every 60) are […]
-(Natural News) It is estimated that only one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported, mainly because people are either scared or they just can’t see or imagine the correlation. After all, every single vaccine ever made has been marketed as “safe and effective” so often, it’s no wonder kids aren’t singing it as […]
-(Natural News) Have you heard of the new comedy show based on children dying? Yes, it’s hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, who’s running a “hit piece” on how hospitals should deny all care to anyone who won’t take the China Flu gene therapy jabs. Send them home to die, is the message, the punch line. Tell […]
-(Natural News) Currently, the world’s population is approaching eight billion, but that number can easily be brought down to about 15 percent of that, or 500 million, if about 2 billion more doses of Covid vaccines are injected into the populace. So far, over 4 billion blood-clotting jabs have been stuck into the arms of humans, […]
-(Natural News) Tens of millions of Americans put 100 percent faith in medical doctors, modern medicine and all the advice that comes with the Allopathic style of treating symptoms. The same goes for their faith in popular brands of food. Consumers assume the FDA would not allow companies and corporations to put dangerous chemicals, pesticides, […]
-(Natural News) Care to purposely give your 3-to-4-month-young baby gastrointestinal illness and upper-respiratory distress? Up your chances of sickening your child with these serious health crises by 40 – 60 percent, simply by getting a nurse or doctor to inject the so called “safe and effective” MMR vaccine. Yes, the Measles, Mumps & Rubella shot, […]
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