All posts tagged with vaccine blood clots
-(Natural News) Cigarette smoke and even second-hand smoke somehow, all of a sudden, can trigger blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, according to cigarette manufacturers and distributors. This comes as a huge coincidence in its timing as millions of people around the world who have been injected with Fauci Flu shots are now suffering or […]
-(Natural News) By now it’s rather obvious that Fauci is guilty of funding the design of a virus that could jump from animals to humans and attack the lungs specifically. This is especially dangerous for humans with immune system deficits already, including anyone fighting chronic inflammation, severe allergies, asthma, COPD, diabetes, ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement), cancer, […]
-(Natural News) Most allopathic Americans are petrified of germs, bacteria and viruses, and believe that the only way to survive year in, year out, is to be vaccinated repeatedly with whatever the CDC says is “safe and effective.” These 200 million Americans bought the long con, that human immune systems are frail and ready to […]
-(Natural News) Judge Gregory Howard of Butler County, Ohio just showed the entire world there is sometimes still justice in medicine. Despite the CDC’s dire warnings about the anti-parasite drug that’s often used for animals, Judge Howard has decided to save Jeffrey Smith’s life, a man in the ICU at the West Chester Hospital who’s […]
-(Natural News) Oh, let us count the ways the insidious vaccine industry is already running cover for the mass wave of vaccine-induced health carnage caused by spike protein injections, all administered under the guise of ‘inoculation.’ We start off with a new, fake science, vaccine-industry-backed “UK study” that claims catching Covid-19 causes blood clots, and […]
-(Natural News) When you Google search for anything health-related, you’ll find mostly lies and distortions that work against you. But the ironic part is that when the damage from certain medications or vaccinations is so bad, they have to admit it. The cover-ups lasted as long as possible, and now we see, right out in […]
-(Natural News) How will the insidious vaccine industrial complex “stop the bleeding” from this already epidemic-sized atrocity of mRNA technology in inoculations that’s proving to cause human blood to clot in the brain and lungs? The mass media (fake news) that’s been teamed up with Big Pharma for decades, is playing “catch and release” with […]
-(Natural News) One might argue that China Flu vaccines are free because Covid is an infectious disease that is contagious, and that cancer and diabetes are not, but cancer and diabetes are killing many more Americans than Covid-19, so that argument doesn’t really hold water. Think about it; Covid kills less than one percent of its […]
-(Natural News) Scientists around the world are discovering that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing the recipients to develop deadly blood clots, and all three inoculation manufacturers are getting “thrown under the bus” for this worldwide epidemic. One blood expert in Germany says a preservative in the AstraZeneca jab, EDTA, when it combines with stray proteins, […]
-(Natural News) Joseph Mengele and his cohorts injected chemicals into Jewish captives during the Holocaust and watched them be tortured to death from it, including children. They loved experimenting on twins – Hitler’s fascination. They would cut their brains open and cut out parts to see what happened. With no anesthesia or painkillers, these “patients” […]