All posts tagged with urban homesteading
-(Natural News) Pickling is a simple way of retaining the crispness of summer vegetables and boosting their nutritional value. It will cost you less money and less effort to conserve fresh vegetables. You just need plenty of sterilized jars and the golden trinity of pickling –vinegar, water and rock salt. The science of using vinegar […]
-(Natural News) Home gardening is a rewarding practice because it gives you access to nutritious vegetables throughout the year. But gardens aren’t just located in large, sprawling backyards. If your home is in the city, you can set up a vegetable garden by making small adjustments. With a bit of soil, you can grow an […]
-(Natural News) Ideally, a home garden should be spacious, with enough room for different plants. But if you live in an apartment without a backyard or if your soil is rocky or sandy, you can still grow various plants through container gardening. (h/t to Even if you have quality soil and a spacious yard, you can still […]
-(Natural News) Even if you don’t have enough space for a home garden, you can become a self-sufficient urban prepper by starting a container garden or joining a community garden. (h/t to Here are some suggestions for preppers who want to grow their own food even without a backyard garden. Cultivate an indoor garden. If you want […]
-(Natural News) With a bit of creativity, even people who live in small apartments can practice homesteading. If you want to homestead in your apartment, here are some tips that can help you become more self-sufficient. (h/t to Try apartment gardening. Turn your apartment into a mini-garden by growing berries or tomatoes in hanging baskets and vertical […]
-(Natural News) If you’re one of those urban homesteaders who raise livestock, you might have had the experience of having an angry mob with pitchforks (or smartphones for that matter) at your front door. Animal rights activists fight for the proper care of animals. But rallying up in front of urban farmers’ homes might be […]