All posts tagged with University of Oxford
-(Natural News) Believe it or not, respiratory viruses like rhinoviridae (the common cold) and coronaviridae (coronaviruses such as covid) do not transmit from person to person as is commonly believed. Back in March, the UK Vaccine Taskforce funded a human challenge study for SARS-CoV-2, published in the journal Nature Medicine, that exposed unvaccinated participants to […]
-(Natural News) As the world awaited a decision by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as to the fate of the AstraZeneca and University of Oxford vaccine injection for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), a doctor in Norway had already determined it to be unsafe. Pal Andre Holme, a chief physician and professor, told Norwegian newspapers just […]
-(Natural News) A Turkish scientist has speculated that schizophrenia may be the result of demonic possession. Though politically incorrect, M. Kemal Irmak says the hallucinatory effects of schizophrenia directly parallel the effects of demon possession, pointing to the need for non-pharmaceutical interventions. Since demonic possession can manifest with a range of bizarre behaviors, including delusions […]
-(Natural News) Following a spate of deadly blood clots all across Europe, Germany has decided to join more than a dozen other European nations in halting all further administration of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from AstraZeneca. Though the European Medicines Agency (EMA) still insists the jabs are “safe,” Germany, Iceland, and several other EU nations […]
-(Natural News) An expert has warned that results from AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine trials are based on “shaky science.” Scientist-turned-writer Hilda Bastian pointed out that data on the British drugmaker’s COVID-19 vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, has been “patched together” and excludes groups with the highest COVID-19 risk. Bastian wrote in a piece for […]
-(Natural News) Though he never discloses the truth in any of his many media appearances, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is heavily vested in the success of a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination program, the mere prospect of which has already enriched his personal net worth by an additional $10 billion since the plandemic first began. The […]
-(Natural News) It has come to our attention that a second participant in AstraZeneca’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine trials has come down with a serious neurological condition that the company claims is not at all related to the volunteer getting vaccinated. Just like the first participant, who we reported developed severe spinal inflammation, this second […]
-(Natural News) It has finally been revealed that the participant in AstraZeneca’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine trial who suffered a “serious adverse event,” causing a global shutdown of the company’s entire phase-three trial, developed a spinal inflammatory disorder known as transverse myelitis. Company CEO Pascal Soriot told JP Morgan and other investors over a conference […]
-(Natural News) The Oxford Internet Institute, a department of the University of Oxford, has released a new study claiming that it benefits society to censor conservative-leaning news websites like The Daily Caller and PJ Media because they publish “junk news and disinformation.” Entitled, “Follow the Money: How the Online Advertising Ecosystem Funds COVID-19 Junk News […]