All posts tagged with unhealthy foods
-(Natural News) Substances like alcohol and drugs are often associated with addiction, but certain foods can also cause addictive behavior. According to a study published in the journal PLOS One, foods full of carbs, fat and sugar are often linked to addiction. Eating habits and addiction There were two parts to the study, titled “Which Foods […]
-(Natural News) Cutting the caloric equivalent of a pizza might help improve one’s biomarkers for metabolic syndrome such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is according to recent findings by researchers from Duke University in North Carolina. The results of the […]
-(Natural News) Poor eating habits kill more people than drinking or smoking, says an alarming study published in the journal The Lancet. The extensive study on worldwide diet trends identified a link between unhealthy diets and 11 million deaths around the globe in 2017. Over 50 percent of these deaths were associated with consuming a lot of […]
-(Natural News) Many preppers may not realize that the greatest threat to their survival isn’t a natural disaster or malevolent humans. It is an unhealthy diet, the leading cause of early death and chronic diseases. Researchers from The Global Burden of Disease Study evaluated the risk factors for premature deaths. They observed the diets of […]
-(Natural News) Most people steer clear of junk foods because they don’t want to put on more pounds. But the real health risk they should be worried about is how eating lots of candy, junk foods, and other highly-processed foods can increase the chances of contracting cancer. Integrative medicine practitioners say that most cancer diagnoses are […]
-(Natural News) Researchers unveil another alarming negative effect of eating too many foods high in fats and carbohydrates. In a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, it was revealed that the reward center of the brain started to value and want more foods that contain high amounts of fat and carbohydrates, such as processed […]
-(Natural News) Ever wondered why you entered a restaurant in the hopes of eating a healthy salad, only to find yourself chowing down on a greasy burger? According to a report from The Daily Mail, the music playing in the background of the establishment could be subconsciously affecting your choice of product. American researchers found that […]
-(Natural News) As obesity numbers continue to break records in the U.S. and many places throughout the world, health-conscious individuals are increasingly looking to their diet to try to maintain a healthy weight. Most of these people look out for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats – and rightfully so, as regular consumption […]