All posts tagged with tribalism
-(Natural News) For nearly a year, Democrats and left-wing academics who claim to know all about COVID-19 “science” have been telling us fairy tales like all masks work, perpetual lockdowns are good and don’t cause additional harm, and President Donald Trump didn’t lift a finger in response to the pandemic. First of all, the only […]
-(Natural News) A fascinating new study has shed light on one aspect of human behavior that doesn’t tend to get a lot of attention, and that is the delight that some people take in seeing people get punished for antisocial behavior – even if they are normally opposed to seeing people suffer. In fact, the […]
-(Natural News) There is a universal solution for ending “hate speech,” tribalism, racism and violent rhetoric while protecting free speech, but the solution requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about conscious beings. With all the censorship that’s now targeting alternative voices and platforms, many dishonest people on the political Left are claiming […]
-(Natural News) If you’re like me, when you first heard about “how cool” that new “zombie show” The Walking Dead was several years ago when it first began, you shook your head and thought to yourself, “How in the world could anyone watch such nonsense?” But because a friend was persistent and kept assuring me it […]
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