All posts tagged with trans fat
-(Natural News) Got memory fog, myocarditis, blood clots and a weight problem? The answer is in your hand, and your brain, and your blood supply. Are you suffering from new health problems you never had before you got vaccinated for COVID-19? There is something you need to know, and it’s not going to be in […]
-(Natural News) Heart disease is caused by problems related to the arteries. The narrowing or blockage of these blood vessels, which deliver blood to and from the heart, can cause significant damage and result in heart attack, chest pain, or stroke. Because the cholesterol that builds up along the walls of the arteries comes mostly from […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to nutritional information, major food companies have become more straightforward in informing consumers. Products and menus now have food labels and nutritional information, but health professionals want to determine if these labels promote healthier food choices or if they’re only used as a clever marketing tactic. The informative study, which was conducted by […]
-(Natural News) For decades, dietary fats have been slammed for everything from heart disease to diabetes. Saturated fats have born the brunt of the blame, but the truth about fat is slowly rising to the surface. Back in the 1960s, the Sugar Research Foundation (a trade group known today as the Sugar Association) paid Harvard […]
-(Natural News) The heart is undoubtedly one of the most important organs, enabling the circulation of blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells. There are several ways to keep your heart healthy, and it all starts with eating the right food and avoiding those that cause it damage. A healthy and well-balanced […]
-(Natural News) Researchers have found that a person’s sleepless nights could be traced to his diet. In a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the authors indicated that having a higher energy intake, coupled with trans fat and sodium consumption, with only a few vegetables is linked to probable insomnia. Insomnia is a condition […]
-(Natural News) Make your diet more heart-healthy by including foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. A study found that eating more monounsaturated fatty acids from plants can lower the risk of heart disease by 26 percent. Led by researchers at the Harvard School T.H. Chan of Public Health in Boston, the study investigated the effect […]