All posts tagged with tainted
-(Natural News) New research has found that the average person consumes a credit card’s worth of plastic particles every single week through tainted food and water – and the vast majority of people have no clue that it is even happening. Nanoplastic particles that are less than 0.001 millimeters in size plague the modern food […]
-(Natural News) Millions of Americans are looking at the alleged election results right now and wondering to themselves, if Joe Biden is really as popular as the numbers suggest, then why was virtually all pre-election voter enthusiasm for President Trump? The answer, of course, is prolific voter fraud. Right now, the mainstream media and the […]
-(Natural News) If you’ve been following the progression of the coronavirus outbreak, then you likely know that authorities are blaming tainted meat sold at the Wuhan, China, Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market for causing it. This market, in case you didn’t know, sells all sorts of “exotic” meats derived from rodents, as well as from animals […]