All posts tagged with swelling
-(Natural News) An anonymous radiologist reports a shocking observation in 2021. This radiologist has witnessed a 360-fold increase in unexplained adenopathy following covid-19 vaccinations. Adenopathy is the medical term for swollen glands or swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy). Adenopathy is not a specific disease, but it is an important symptom for some underlying condition. Doctors may […]
-(Natural News) In just a few months, the World Health Organization received approximately 20,000 reports of new eye disorders that occurred post covid-19 vaccination. These reports include 303 cases of blindness and 1,625 cases of visual impairment! The European drug monitoring agency had never recorded such a severe spike in eye injuries until after the […]
-(Natural News) The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Friday, April 9, said that one person died after having received Johnson & Johnson’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, also known as the Janssen vaccine. The person was one of four patients who had developed unusual blood clots after receiving the vaccine. “Four serious cases of unusual blood clots with low […]
-(Natural News) Your gums can hurt for many reasons – from canker sores, braces and gingivitis to even cancer of the mouth. Fortunately, several home remedies exist that can help you with your mild gum pain. Here are five of these natural treatments. (h/t to Essential oils You can create a homemade dental spray using four […]
-(Natural News) Omega-3 fatty acids deliver many health benefits to the brain, heart, and other parts of the body. That list includes alleviating stiffness and swelling in strained muscles after an intense bout of physical exercise. Japanese researchers examined the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements on people who did plenty of exercise. In their study, […]
-(Natural News) Everyone has experienced having sore and strained muscles after a hard day’s work. Instead of reaching for NSAIDs and other pharmaceutical drugs that cause adverse effects, switch to home remedies to alleviate mild or moderate muscle pain the natural way. It is easy to identify the seriousness of the muscle strain. Pick the […]
-(Natural News) Gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis, is associated with pain, swelling, and tenderness in the joints. The best way to prevent gout attacks is to make lifestyle changes, such as avoiding eating foods that contain purine. In most cases, gout affects the joint at the base of your big toe. However, it can also affect […]
-(Natural News) Heberden’s nodes refer to bony growths that form on the joints closest to your fingertips. These growths are partly responsible for the gnarled look of arthritic hands. According to a study, Heberden’s nodes in finger joints could indicate knee osteoarthritis. The study was published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology. Heberden’s nodes and arthritis Heberden’s nodes […]
-(Natural News) Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy to help people relax or promote good sleep. But did you know that ginger essential oil can also relieve inflammation? According to Dr. Raman Madan, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist at Huntington Hospital, most essential oils are made via a process called steam distillation. Through this process, steam […]
-(Natural News) When the going gets tough, the tough get going. However, in SHTF situations, being strong won’t help you survive if you sustain injuries like burns along the way. Therefore, it’s also important to be smart so that you can properly utilize the limited resources you have. In the absence of conventional treatments, there are many natural remedies […]