All posts tagged with sweet potatoes
-(Natural News) Most people drink smoothies for breakfast or after a workout. But did you know that a dinner smoothie made with sweet potatoes can boost your gut health and relieve insomnia? Why sweet potatoes are good for you Sweet potatoes are one of the best foods that promote a good night’s sleep. They are full of potassium that helps […]
-(Natural News) Everyone has experienced having sore and strained muscles after a hard day’s work. Instead of reaching for NSAIDs and other pharmaceutical drugs that cause adverse effects, switch to home remedies to alleviate mild or moderate muscle pain the natural way. It is easy to identify the seriousness of the muscle strain. Pick the […]
-(Natural News) Healthy eating not only makes you feel great, it also makes you look great. Eating the right kinds of food can keep your skin healthy from the inside. There are certain foods that protect the skin cells from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, keep your skin hydrated, and fight skin damage from harmful free radicals. Here […]
-(Natural News) There are many causes of dry skin. Environmental factors such as weather and lifestyle choices can contribute to the skin’s lack of hydration. Topical moisturizers exist to address this problem, but sometimes, they are not enough to provide the moisture your skin needs. This may be because you lack moisture internally, and these topical […]
-(Natural News) Infertility is becoming more common in our world today. A meta-analysis titled: “Temporal trends in sperm count: a systemic review and meta-regression analysis” finds that sperm concentration and total sperm count have fallen significantly from 1973 to 2011. North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand saw the sharpest declines. The decline in sperm […]
-(Natural News) Potatoes are a controversial vegetable. They are usually associated with unhealthy foods like chips or French fries. However, when used in healthy recipes, potatoes can also be good for you. Are potatoes really bad for you? Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the world. In fact, Americans eat an average of 126 […]
-(Natural News) Sweet potatoes are actually a slight misnomer, as they are not really related to regular white potatoes. They don’t even belong to the same plant family. Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that belong to the morning glory family of flowering plants, while regular white potatoes are tubers that belong to the nightshade family. While […]
-(Natural News) Pink has become a symbol of strength and hope for many breast cancer patients, which is why many companies take advantage of this color during breast cancer awareness month. However, many food products wrapped up in pretty pink packaging are bad for the people they’re supposed to be advocating for. To avoid being […]
-(Natural News) The condition called hypertension (high blood pressure) is prevalent in the U.S. and other developed countries. It doesn’t have any obvious symptoms, but this doesn’t make it any less dangerous. If you have hypertension, you must monitor your blood pressure closely to limit the damage your arteries. One way to do this is to […]
-(Natural News) Most pet owners only want the best for their beloved canine companions, though what is healthy for humans may be potentially harmful to dogs. For instance, grain-free dog foods might cause Fido to do more than just play dead. Gluten-free or grain-free dog foods are diets that are rich in exotic proteins and carbohydrates. […]