All posts tagged with supercomputers
-(Natural News) China appears to be taking the lead in the quantum computing race with the recent announcement that researchers there have broken a record for solving a complex problem with cutting-edge technology. When Google’s 53-qubit Sycamore processor completed a task that would take a traditional supercomputer more than 2.5 days in just 3.3 minutes, […]
-(Natural News) Researchers created the first living, self-healing robots using stem cells from frogs. Named “xenobots” after the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) from which the stem cells were taken, the machines look like tiny blobs of wiggling pink flesh. “These are novel living machines,” said Joshua Bongard, a professor of computer science at the University […]
-(Natural News) Are we living in a simulation? According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor and computer scientist Rizwan Virk, it’s very likely. Virk’s ideas develop upon those first theorized by Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom known as the simulation hypothesis. In this, he outlines three possibilities: That humanity, like many other human-like civilizations before it, […]
-(Natural News) Practical fusion power requires an overseer that can keep an unblinking eye on the tokamak reactor and rein in any complication that could interrupt the production of energy. That is why the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) came up with the bright idea of developing an artificial intelligence system to handle the job. […]
-(Natural News) If you’ve been following Natural News for any length of time, you may already know that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin suck up mass amounts of energy just to keep functioning normally. But have you ever considered the sheer amount of data storage space that’s necessary to keep the blockchain going? A new report by […]
-(Natural News) What do you think farms of the future will look like? Will they use soil in the same way that it’s used now? Could they be operated completely by robots, with no humans ever stepping foot on them at all? Whatever they end up looking, they had better be capable of meeting the […]
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