All posts tagged with super spreaders
-(Natural News) The government claims that the unvaccinated are responsible for continuing to spread the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) because they refuse to get shot, but the latest data shows that the opposite is true. In Ontario, Can., at least, hospital beds are filling up with people who took the jabs, believing they would provide protection against […]
-(Natural News) Mandatory masks, quarantines and covid-19 vaccines are becoming a pariah in Denmark, as the “fully vaccinated” make up over 90% of the current “omicron” covid-19 caseload. The “Omicron” hospitalization rate in Denmark is beginning to exceed the “Delta” hospitalization rate, as vaccine damage becomes ubiquitous in the population. As the “fully vaccinated” make […]
-(Natural News) For the last nearly two years we have heard vax worshipers accuse those refusing to take the experimental COVID vaccines that were created and fast-tracked, bypassing traditional testing for long-term effects, and refusing the lock down their entire lives, as “grandma killer,” as well as “nurse killer, a doctor killer, a cop killer, […]
-(Natural News) Former vice president of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization Christian Perronne has warned that the real threat to public health is not unvaccinated people, but rather vaccinated people who took the jabs in obedience to the government. A specialist in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases, […]
-(Natural News) This just in: “We will be bringing in virus through the borders in vaccinated people,” declares the Premier of Queensland Jeannette Young. The vaccine tyrants are tired of waiting for all the informed citizens to accept the toxic gene therapy jabs, so now, time is up. No more waiting out the pandemic for Australians. […]
-(Natural News) On the latest episode of “The Hidden Gateway” podcast, host Jesston Williams spoke to Dr. Robert Malone, an internationally recognized medical doctor and scientist who assisted with inventing mRNA vaccines. (Article by Jeremy Loffredo republished from The wide-ranging discussion covered: The invention and early testing of mRNA technology, in which Malone was heavily involved. How governments are employing […]
-(Natural News) Most allopathic Americans are petrified of germs, bacteria and viruses, and believe that the only way to survive year in, year out, is to be vaccinated repeatedly with whatever the CDC says is “safe and effective.” These 200 million Americans bought the long con, that human immune systems are frail and ready to […]
-(Natural News) Back in 2015, PBS published a lengthy exposé about how chickens vaccinated for Marek’s disease still spread the virus to unvaccinated chickens, much like how people “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are spreading the latest “variants” to their unvaccinated family members, friends and neighbors. According to that report, the chicken virus is […]
-(Natural News) By now, you have probably heard the news from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are a total failure. And one thing many people really want to know is what the “fully vaccinated” think about this. The jabbed were, after all, told that getting the Trump […]
-(Natural News) It is official: The biggest public health threat right now are “fully vaccinated” people, whom the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now warns are super-spreaders polluting society with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “variants.” Nothing the CDC did this past year helped bring the “case” count down, nor did the agency save […]