All posts tagged with sugar alternatives
-(Natural News) As a prepper, you should stock up on different pantry staples like sugar. But if you’re worried about running out of sugar after SHTF and stores become inaccessible, consider planting natural sweeteners in your home garden. (h/t to Here are 13 natural sweeteners you can get by growing certain plants in your home garden. […]
-(Natural News) Sugar-free diet soda can make you feel like you’re consuming a “healthier” alternative to regular soft drinks. However, various studies have determined that the artificial sweeteners in diet soda are still bad for your health. Despite the claims that sugar-free beverages are healthier alternatives, findings from different studies soon revealed the negative side effects of […]
-(Natural News) Whether you have diabetes or you’re trying to lessen your sugar intake, chances are you’ve already replaced table sugar (sucrose) with an artificial sweetener called aspartame. This sugar substitute has fewer calories, but studies have shown that the use of aspartame also comes with various health risks. What is aspartame and why is […]
-(Natural News) You probably already know that there is a war on sugar, and that the refined white stuff and its synthetic counterparts (artificial sweeteners) are a real no-no if you are trying to reverse chronic health conditions or just simply maintain an acceptable level of health. Unfortunately, sugar has become so ingrained into our […]
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