All posts tagged with strike forces
-(Natural News) The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses just one year before the state activated covid concentration camps, providing for an efficient, stealth mechanism for mass disposal of human corpses. This is a fact. No one can shoot this down with a fake “fact check,” so they simply try […]
-(Natural News) In July, Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams reported on the Biden regime’s intent to send “strike forces” of government agents into American cities and communities to ensure compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The mandate had not yet been issued by King Biden, but it was obvious that the regime was already […]
-(Natural News) A government document that has recently surfaced offers horrifying details on how door-to-door “strike force” vaccine enforcement teams plan to operate. Labeled, “Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project,” a now-public document published by the government of Lake County, Illinois, instructs “ambassadors” to: Violate “no soliciting” restrictions and illegally trespass onto private property. […]
-(Natural News) It’s official: The White House has publicly and un-apologetically announced the deployment of “strike forces” — a military term — to go door-to-door across America, targeting unvaccinated people in their own homes. This was proudly announced yesterday by Jen Psaki. The goal of the program — which has already been denounced by numerous […]
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