All posts tagged with storable food
-(Natural News) Prepping isn’t an easy endeavor but modern preppers have it easier compared to those who experienced World War II (WWII). Back in the early 1940s, people had to survive on war rations, which would have made feeding a large family difficult, especially if you were on a limited budget. But despite these difficult times, […]
-(Natural News) No good list of must-have items for survival would be complete without salt. It might not occupy the same position of urgency as water or food in general, but it’s a fact that the human body cannot survive without at least some sodium. Salt is the main source of sodium and chloride ions […]
-(Natural News) This year’s “Black Friday” event at the Health Ranger Store starts early, on 11/11 (Nov. 11th) at 11:01 am central time. For those interested in numbers and patterns, that’s 11/11, 11:01 am. It all adds up to 7. We are doing this because we have almost no confidence that the logistics of society […]
-(Natural News) Storable food mega-supplier Augason Farms has ceased operations for 90 days, citing, “global raw-material shortages” and “substantial delays” in procurement and production. “Regrettably, BCG [the parent company owner of Augason Farms] cannot fulfill your orders on time; therefore, this letter communicates our decision to suspend business for the next 90 days, effective immediately,” […]
-(Natural News) The hunger-relief organization Feeding America estimates that our country will be short eight billion meals in the next four months. Their food banks put out three times the usual this year, due to Covid-19 joblessness and homelessness, totaling over 17 billion pounds of food. On average, at least 10 percent of Americans cannot […]
-(Natural News) Has Covid-19 got you stressed to the max, losing money, borrowing money, eating unhealthy, worried, weakened and panicky? That’s the goal of the globalist trolls who planned the whole thing. Don’t get sucked into the vortex, the undertow, the labyrinth of idiocy and paranoia. The sooner you recognize that it’s no conspiracy theory […]
-(Natural News) People are buying storable food products in huge quantities right now, but have you actually read the ingredients in some of these foods? Most storable food manufacturers hide their ingredients to try to prevent the public from seeing what they really contain. That’s no surprise, since most of them are made with genetically […]
-(Natural News) If you’re buying storable food that you think is “non-GMO,” you’ve probably been hoodwinked. We’ve become aware that a large number of storable food manufacturers and affiliates are falsely promoting their food products as “non-GMO” even when they are heavily derived from genetically modified corn, soy and canola products. A good rule of […]
-(Natural News) Instead of pre-packaged dehydrated meals to bring on your camping trip, why not make your own dehydrated meals at home? After all, a DIY dehydrated meal contains ingredients that you’ve chosen yourself, so you can be sure that your food contains none of the toxic additives and preservatives found in store-bought products. (h/t to […]
-(Natural News) Potato chips are a guilty pleasure snack for people of all ages. They’re salty, savory and bad for your heart and waistline. If you can’t resist chips but you want to improve your eating habits, learn how to make your own veggie chips — with all the savory crunch but none of the […]